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It was a long day for Yoongi. A long day of spilling coffee on himself the first thing in the morning, a long day of scolding his employee how to pay for quiet money, a long day of...just life in general. He leans back against the couch and inhales a long breathe of smoke, staring up at the chandelier hanging down from the ceiling. What exactly is taking Jeongguk so long to get here? He's been waiting for more than 20 minutes yet the younger still wasn't seen. Well, he isn't an impatient man but time is really precious for people like him, who works in the dirty fields.

When Yoongi heard the elevator beep, he snapped his head towards the sound. He almost dropped his cigarette when he saw Taehyung walking out like no big deal and Jeongguk strolling behind him like an overgrown puppy. Jeongguk's usual sleek hair was messed up and his lips were a little bit swollen. Anyone could tell he did something naughty in the office. The scene in front of him made Yoongi gasped a little, 'what a usual pair' he thought.

"Hello, little meow meow," Taehyung purred and placed himself on Yoongi's laps, sliding his fingers down Yoongi's chest sensually. Yoongi glanced at Jeongguk who seem to go rigged and bit his already swollen lips.

"Please don't call me that," Yoongi replied and pushed Taehyung off his laps. Taehyung, however, wrapped his arms around Yoongi's neck and pecked him on the cheeks, "come on, don't be that cold," Taehyung whined, loud and clear.

Taehyung glanced at Jeongguk and shivered upon that cold gaze that Jeongguk is giving right now. It's that look. That look that made him weak on the knees. "What a pervert," Yoongi mumbled under his breath.

"Jeongguk," Taehyung smirked and unwraped his arms around Yoongi, "come."

With heavy steps, Jeongguk walks until he's in front of them. His eyes are swirling with jealously but it was quickly subdued when Taehyung wraps his arms around Jeongguk's neck, "carry me," he whispers seductively. Of course, Jeongguk obeyed and lift Taehyung up with ease. He sniffs in Taehyung's scent and immediately calms down, it's like his body naturally relaxes when Taehyung's close to him, something that even he can't understand why it happens.

"come on, little meow meow. What is this super important thing you want to tell this pup here? Important enough to interrupt my time with my puppy?" Taehyung asked as his eyes shine a dangerous glint, "If this isn't important, I'll rip your left eye out!" He laughs but as he sensed that no one in the room except for Jeongguk smiled, he tsked, "it's a joke! Relax!"

Yoongi sighed and leaned back against the coach, "nothing much. Just information about Mr. Kim. I heard he's coming back to Korea next month. Apparently something big is going on." 

"Mr.Kim...." Taehyung mumbled, a lightblub quickly flashed above his head, "Ah! Is it that Mr. Kim? The one who runs an underground casino chain in New York?"

"Yes, how did you know about him?" 

"Ah...." Taehyung glanced at Jeongguk who has been staring at him the whole time. He chuckled and flicked Jeongguk's button nose, "he's my cousin."

"What?!" Are you fucking kidding me. The most infamous assassin under a infamous group and his cousin is the big boss of an underground casino?!  His identity is crazy.

"So why's he coming back to Korea next month? I haven't heard anything from him."

"I'm not too sure about it but I'm assuming it has something to do with the big plan to take over the economic in A city. I'm here asking if you want to participate in the race to take a slice of the cake. If you are, I'll support you."

"He will," Taehyung replied and pat Jeongguk's left cheek with his palm, "right Jeonggukie~? You're going to be a good boy and fuck my cousin over okay?"

"Of course, anything you want."

Taehyung smirked and gave Jeongguk a kiss, "that's my good pup." 

"Alright, since I'm done here, I'll be leaving so you guys can enjoy each other," Yoongi said as he threw an USB at Jeongguk.

 Instead of Jeongguk, Taehyung was the one who caught it, "what's this?"

"Information about the tycoons who will be going to A city." 

"oh okay," Taehyung nonchalantly replied and crushed the USB with his mere grip strength, "unnecessary."

"what the fuck, how did you manage to crush tha- you know what, never mind. Nothing make sense when I'm with you, Taehyung," Yoongi face palm and stood up, "I'll be leaving now then, have fun."


"well then, it's just the two of us now...let's continue where we left off, okay? Pup."

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