moving in

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  "Mia !! Wake up we're getting late"
Mia's mom called from down stairs. Mia was fast asleep when she heard the calls of her mother.
She quickly jumped up and grabbed the clock on her bedside table to see what time it was.

" shit I'm 34 minutes late " she yelled while grabbing her suitcase from inside her closet, she packed her clothes and valuable items inside then locked it, after that she ran into the bathroom to take a quick shower before everyone was ready.

"Mia mom is ready" Kayla called from outside the bathroom door while banging on it.
Kayla was Mia's younger sister, she was the opposite of Mia even though they were very close.

" I'm coming you brat! Mia yelled from inside the shower ".
" Hey sis will you be so kind as to lend me your towel pretty please with cherry on top" Mia said in a low voice but got no answer.

She hurried out of the shower with water dripping everywhere then pulled the clothes on to her wet body.

"Mia we'll miss the flight if you don't hurry up" her mom yelled again.

"I'm coming mom just give me a couple of minutes" Mia answered while trying to fix her hair.

"Omg I'm going to get everyone late" she shouted while grabbing her suitcase and running down the stair trying really hard not to trip.

As soon as she got down stairs her mom got up and walked out of the house
"Say goodbye to the house baby" she said while smiling.

Dad and my 4 siblings were already waiting in the car.

"What took you so long sassy pants" dad said with a smirk on his face.

"Was saying goodbye to the house because I really don't want to move to new York. I won't like it there at all" Mia said while looking out of the car window as her dad drove off.

45 minute later they arrived at the airport and daddy bought the tickets for the 10:00 am flight which was to be ready in 4 minutes.

Mia was still upset about moving she didn't care if they missed the flight even though she knew that they had to move due to the bank taking their house.

"Hurry guys we're almost there" her dad shouted from the entrance of the plane.

Kayla looked nervous and so did alia, Chris and Nickolas.
Mia was a bit scared also but tried not to show it.

As soon as the plane was boarded the pilot gave his instructions then started the plane.

As soon the plane lifted into the air Mia jumped in fright. She grabbed the person next to her by the shirt and the seat belt that was around her.

Looking over she saw that she was holding on to a very cute guy. His eyes were blue, he had a very strong jawline and his hair sat perfectly on his head. He smiled when he saw that Mia was holding his shirt.

"Let me guess, it's your first time right? He asked.
Mia kindly let go of his shirt then took a big swallow.

" Yes it's my first time I'm so sorry about that " she said while holding her chest.

"I remembered my first time" he replied. " By the way my name is Tim and I'm guessing yours is beauty" he said while smirking.

"I'm ah Mia". Mia replied. She leaned her head on her chair while still gripping on to it.

" Do me a favor and wake me when we're there" she said while Tim just kept on smiling.

An hour later Tim shook her by the hand"wake up sleeping beauty we're in new York and I think I heard a kid calling your name " he said while getting up.

Mia sat up and unbuckled the seat belt. She peeked out the window then sat up.

"Goodbye stranger" she yelled to Tim as she walked out of the plane to find her parents and siblings waiting.

It was already getting late, so they wasted no time on getting a drive to their new house. It took forever to get there but finally they could see the creepy looking house from a distant.

"The driver stopped some mile away from the house so everyone including the kids had to walk the rest of the journey. Finally, they came to the house, it was old and had a sinister look. There where cobwebs everywhere around the house and all the windows were dark, the bricks looked as if they would fall out any minute.

" Mom this place sucks" yelled Nickolas.

Alia looked at the door knob then stepped back from the door.

Mom walked up and pulled the door. "It's not so bad inside guys" she said while walking in.
"Come on in everyone" she shouted.

It was a big surprise that the inside of the house was in a great condition while the outside looked as if it was attack by a dozen trolls.

"The movers will be here tomorrow guys, so we of to use the beds that's already here okay now go up and pick your room." Dad said while holding his suitcase and looking around.

Mia was the first to run up the stair she was so exhausted. She checked all the room by none of them was to her liking, until, she came across a bedroom door which had butterflies on it. She opened the door and immediately fell in love with the room.

"Mom I've found my room" she yelled down stairs.
"And so did everyone else" her mom replied.

It was 7:00 pm and everyone was already in their bed due to how tired they were. Mia on the other hand could not sleep. She stayed up half the night listening to footsteps outside her door. She didn't let it bother her seeing that the house was very old, and she knew how her brothers and sisters like getting up at night.

It was a very long and cold night within the new house.

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