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Just like a snap, the crew began to roll the bone built cage across the jungle, rolling it fast as possible while the Pelegostos began to chase after them. Each member within the cage kept throwing glances over their shoulders every now except for Evelyn. Evelyn kept her eyes forward, not wanting to fill up with terror just by looking at the natives. The cage was heading for a ride of lifetime. Evelyn could only watch as the cage rolled over the edge of the mountain. The cage began to roll down the mountain at a high speed. Everyone inside the cage screamed as the cage bounced in between it's rolls. They all held on to the bones, praying they wouldn't let go and fly around inside the cage as it move.

The cage flew up a rock, soaring through sky. As it defied gravity, Evelyn screamed as loud as possible, squeezed shut. Will, Mr. Gibbs, and the crew all screamed beside her, reaching the same sound level as her. The cage landed back on the ground, still rolling down the mountain. Flying pass all the trees and plant life, the cage rolled up the body of a palm tree, pausing in mid air for a moment, then falling back down to the ground. The cage froze on the ground casuing the entired crew to fall down to the bottom of it. Evelyn let out an "oomph" sound as she fell right on top of Will. Her breath quickened as their noses touched. A blush was formed on their cheeks. "Are you okay?" Will panted to her.

Eyes wide, Evelyn looked at him, panting. "No." She quickly said replied like it was obvious.

Their head snapped in the direction of the sound of the Pelegostos shouts and screams drew near. Evelyn, still flustered, rolled off of Will. "Lift the cage! Hurry!" Will shouted, throwing himself up to a standing position. He reached down and pulled up Evelyn by her arms without hesitation.

"Come on lads! Lift it like a lady's skirt!" Mr. Gibbs shouted, sticking his legs through the openings of the cage.

"Hey!" Evelyn shouted, narrowing her brows at his offensive comment. She shot him a glare as she stuck her feet through openings of the cage.

"My apologies, Miss. Adams." Mr. Gibbs quickly reply, scared to anger her. The rest of the crew held up the cage and began to run together. The Pelegostos sere hot on their trial, drawing closer to the bone built cage. The yelling natives threw daggers and spears at the group and their cage. A dagger flew into the cage and right past Evelyn's cheek causing her to let out a gasp and scream.

"Evelyn, keep your head low!" Will shouted to her, resisting the urge to shield her.

"How will that-" Evelyn's words were cut short as they fell off the end of another cliff, falling down between both close edges. The cage flew down past drooping trees and into a narrow rocky opening. The bone cage split down in half as it hit the narrowest part of the enclosing rocky walls. Evelyn, Will, and the rest of the crew fell down into a river that hid at the bottom of the two cliffs. Evelyn grunted as she pushed one half of the cage off of her, struggling to swim with it on top of her. Panic took over Will as he reached for Evelyn, shouting her name. "Will!" Evelyn called to him as she struggled to get to him. With the cage off of her, she reached to him. Will pulled her to his chest, wrapping his arms around her. They panted and looked up at the Pelegostos, watching as they pulled back on their bows and began to release arrows.

"Come on." Will said to Evelyn, still holding her. "Can you handle swimming in this?" He asked her, looking at her dead in the eye.

Nodding rapidly, Evelyn replied. "I can do it." She panted. An arrow landing in the water beside her set her off. Whipping around, Evelyn dove under the waters surface and began to follow after the crew that swam ahead of her. Will dove after Evelyn. His eyes focus on her, not caring if he was struck by an arrow. All that mattered to him was that Evelyn wasn't shot and didn't drown.

The crew reached an area that was covered with giant rocks. Mr. Gibbs lifted his head from the water along with everyone else. "Take cover!" He shouted, swimming behind a black bolder.

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