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Hey guys! this chapter is unedited, sorry for any grammar mistakes. Mari is travelling so she hasn't got the time to do it. This is the chapter when they finally meet, comment what you think of it, and of course about Dan Cross. Hope you like it :)


I was walking towards Mr. Cross's office, almost reaching the silver handle when I heard a crack. Is the building falling? Why is everything tilted to the right? Oh crap, my heel broke. I took off both shoes and went towards the office.


I started jumping up and down with one leg. I hit my toe with something. Shit, hurts a lot. This kind of stuff only happens to me.

"Claire are you ok?" It was Victoria, who came running to where I was jumping right in front of Mr. Cross's office.

"Yea, I think so" I said while rubbing my poor toe.

This. Is. Embarrassing.

"Victoria, who's this woman dancing in front of my office?"

I couldn't see who was talking, because I was looking to the floor. But his voice. OH MY GOD. That's the sexiest voice I've heard in my entire life. And that was saying something. And, with the British accent I was in a trance.

"Mr. Cross, this is Claire Sky your new assistant"

Oh please, gods from above take me now!!!

I forced myself to glace up. I was in shock. This is the hottest man I've seen in my life. His voice matches him so well. First of all, WOW he's tall, like 6.3 feet. He has this brown hair, but the way it was styled makes you think that he just had sex. And these piercing gray eyes. You would think that with just one look he would know your entire life. I haven't seen eyes like those. He was pretty well built, with the muscles in the right places. He's wearing a gray suit, which seems really expensive. And under it, a white dressing shirt. He looks great. Like taken out from a Vogue magazine.

I think I had my mouth open until I heard him clear his throat, that's when I came back to Earth. I cannot ruin this. I need to be confident, this people can smell fear.

"Good morning Mr. Cross, like Victoria said I'm Claire Sky and I'm...

"I don't care" he saw that I was reaching to shake hands with him, but didn't care about it so he turned around towards his office. I was looking at his back when he entered the office, still with my hand up. How rude. I just met him and he walked out of me like that. I don't care if he's my boss I won't let him treat me like that, ever!

But... this is my first day, so I followed him inside, trying to fake a polite smile, but I think I couldn't quiet do it.

The office is huge. It's all made of blurred glass, except the part behind his desk. The view is breathtaking. There are several bookshelves on the right, all of them full of different books and scripts. On the left there's a little living, with some dark brown couches and a coffee table in the middle, all very homie compared to the rest of the office, which looks cold. His desk is enormous, I think it doubles the size of mine. It's made from some dark wood, with an apple desktop on top of it. Also, there are several papers, maybe he's working of a new script. To describe it all in one single word, it would be... Classy. My thoughts were interrupted when he spoke.

"Victoria told me you wanted to talk to me?"

"Miss Sky, go to the Starbuck downstairs and tell them that I want my usual"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2021 ⏰

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