Chapter 4: Highway to Hell

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Isaac's eyes opened slowly. His head ached from sleeping on the hard ground. He sat up slowly rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Sarkany looked over and noticed him.

"Good morning sunshine," Sarkany teased.

"Bite me." He grumbled.

"Well someone's not a morning person." She said, acting offended.

"You know, that's the last thing I'd expect to hear from a demon." She shrugged. Isaac stood and looked around. "Where's the squirrel?" He asked.

"You mean Akuma. No clue. I woke up and he was gone." She said.

Isaac snorted. "Go figure. I didn't trust the kid anyway," He said. Sarkany nodded.

"Neither did I. Something about him made me nervous."

"Yeah... We should go. Long day ahead of us." Isaac said.

"Right," Sarkany agreed. "We're about 2 hours from Abaddon's tower." She stated.

"Oh great, more bonding time," He said sarcastically. They picked up their things and left.

They'd been walking for what seemed like forever when they reached the edge of the city. It was empty. No people walking dogs across the street, No teens going in and out of stores, nothing. Just silence.

"Don't worry," Sarkany said "This is only the outer part of the city. The business district is much more entertaining." Isaac nodded and continued walking. Everything around them seemed dead. It was sunny, but it felt like a rainy day. No lights in the streets were on. Everything was abandoned. Isaac remembered this part of town. Though vaguely. He had once ran down to the park across the street from him and frightened his mother. It had once been so peaceful and happy. It was now scary and desolate. He looked at the park which was even still was green and full of false life. Except for the bodies covering the area.

"What happened here?" Sarkany looked to where Isaac's eyes were.

" This was one of the first cities to fall to Abaddon's wrath therefore was the worst hit. He doesn't care about the area around him looking filthy. Just that the area in his immediate vicinity is clean." Sarkany explained.

"He's a sick bastard," Isaac remarked, Sarkany agreed. They walked in silence the rest of the way.

The tower was an old office building. It stood tall. Most likely the tallest building in the city. Isaac had to crane his neck to look all the way up. Outside the front entrance stood at least 6 guards. All dressed in black suits, wearing identical shades. They looked like secret service agents.

"Abaddon sure likes keeping it professional doesn't he?" Isaac looked slightly surprised.

"While he is an absolute lunatic, I'll give him credit for keep things orderly around here." She pointed to an alleyway. "There's how we get in." She told him.

"Can't we just go in swords blazing?" Isaac asked.

"Not if you wish to die. Some of the strongest demons in hell are in there. It'd be suicide!" She scoffed.

Isaac shrugged "Just an idea."

They snuck around soundlessly to the side of the alley. Here, they jumped a servant and grabbed a trash can. Sarkany, being a demon, was able to bring the trash bin carrying Isaac back in. She pushed him into a room that was empty.

"Follow my lead." She pulled him out of the trash can and yelled, "HUNTER!" At the top of her lungs.

"What the hell!?" He yelled back just as a few demons ran into the room. They all glared at him swords drawn. She hissed behind his back.

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