Chapter 6: Lucifer

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The inside of Lucifer's cage was completely the opposite of the outside. Outside it was dark and eerie. Inside it was more like the presidential suite of a five star hotel. All over the room hung well-known paintings. Small, white tables with bowls of exotic fruit on silver platters sat here and there. On one side, an elegant liquor cabinet sat next to a bar with bottles of assorted liquor and glasses. In the center of the room sat a large, white sofa matching the marble walls which sat on a red velvet rug. The couch was facing the great door which on the inside looked like a hotel room door. On the couch, holding a glass of red wine, sat a very tall, handsome man. He had slicked back golden-blond hair. He wore a white tuxedo with matching dress shoes. His skin was pale. His eyes where it was normally white were black. His irises were white with barely visible gray pupils. He had a sharp chin and chiseled facial features. His shoulders were broad. Sitting down, he was at Isaac's shoulders. He spoke, his voice was soft and entrancing.

"Sorting about with the Nephilim, I see, Sarkany." There was no anger in his voice only kindness and obvious persuasiveness. Sarkany smiled.

"Yes, my dear, he's helping me with a little job."

Isaac looked at the angelic man and asked, "I assume you're Lucifer?"

The man smiled and answered calmly, "It is called "Lucifer's Cage" for a reason." Isaac nodded. Lucifer spoke again. "So Nephilim, what brings you to my cage?" He asked.

"If you could call it a cage." Isaac murmured.

Lucifer chuckled, "Yes, well when Abaddon threw me over, he forgot one thing... I'm Lucifer. No matter what he calls himself, I'm always the true King of Hell. I can do whatever I want... within the limits of this cage of course. Please, the both of you have a seat... Care for a drink?" Lucifer got up as they sat and walked over to the bar. "What do you like, half-blood?" Lucifer asked as if he truly cared.

"Whiskey," Isaac replied, then he thought, "Was that some kind of insult?" Isaac asked, referring to the term 'Half-blood.'

Lucifer poured the drink. "It's whatever you think it is, Isaac." Isaac's eyes grew slightly wider. "How do you know my name?" He asked.

Lucifer sighed. "Really, Isaac? You're one of the most well-known people throughout the world... the world of high-ranking supernatural beings, that is. I'm the King of Hell, did you really think I wouldn't know you? Come now, Isaac. I know you aren't an idiot." Lucifer's words were smooth yet irritating.

The Angel came back with the drinks. He sat down after handing one to Isaac. Isaac took a drink. The amber liquid flowed down, slightly burning the back of his throat. But it felt good.

"So," Lucifer continued. "I ask again, what brings you to my home, Nephilim?"

Isaac set the whiskey down. "I need to know how to defeat Abaddon." Lucifer barely looked surprised.

"And you think I can help you with this, why?"

Isaac grew irritated. "Oh, I don't know, seeing as you're the 'true King of Hell!'"

Sarkany chimed in, "Isaac! Don't snap at him!" She said sternly.

Lucifer waved a hand calmly. "It's quite alright, my dear. Can't expect a hunter to remain civil." Isaac gripped his glass tightly.

Lucifer took another sip of wine. "I see you used my words against me. Well, there's no way to kill the King of Hell." Isaac stood up ready to yell, but Lucifer continued speaking. "But," He said. Isaac sat down. "There is a way to kill Abaddon." Lucifer said.

"And that is?" Isaac said dryly.

"If you're going to be rude, maybe I shouldn't tell you."

Isaac finished his whiskey angrily. "Fine. Please, tell me how I can kill Abaddon." He said.

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