Goodbye, My Dearest Earth

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"Oh my lord, look at what this place has become...

I cannot believe my eyes, where is the place that we call home?

Oh my lord, what has humanity done?

Is it too late, my lord, is it too late to turn back in time?"

April 22nd, 2022

The sun had set yet again upon planet Earth, just like any other ordinary day. The sky turned darker and darker every second, and the waves continued brushing against the shore of the Santa Monica Beach, California, just like any other day.

A little boy stood quietly out on the beach, watching the sun setting inch by inch until only the very tip was left. The boy then looked out into the ocean, the chilling wind blew softly against his face, but it did not matter to him. He then looked around. This particular little boy had a small habit of his own: he loved to walk around the seashore, collecting everything he sees. That day was just like any other day to the little boy.

A plastic bottle, a plastic bag, more bottles, more bags, a plastic cup with unfinished coffee left in it, a plastic container with leftover lunch, more bottles, more bags. The results were the same as last time, and the time before that, and the time before that... The little boy began questioning where all these items came from. However, as he continued thinking, he stretched and looked toward the sea again. Every time a wave hit the shore, more bottles and bags were left laying in the sand. Curious, the little boy walked toward the vast ocean and grabbed everything he touched in the water. More plastic bottles and bags. How much plastic does this ocean hold, really? The little boy wondered.

"Look at how this world has changed,

Look at what these humans have done..."

The television was turned on. The little boy made himself comfortable and started watching the daily news. A man stepped out with a smile.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, happy Earth day. Today, we have some very surprising news, very surprising indeed...

"Scientists have concluded that all water sources on Earth are now too polluted with plastic to be cleansed. Therefore, water will no longer be available for the human race. That is right, my friends, humanity shall end in approximately less than two years, according to scientific estimations." Tears began rolling down the man's cheeks. "The Unified Union of Earth stated that, instead of waiting for our very own deaths, they will erupt the nucleus, in other words, destroy Earth along with humanity."

The boy turned off the television and looked out the ocean again. The night was ordinary, however, just like any other day. 

But it wasn't.

"Oh, humans, you have brought this upon yourself...

Look at the mess you have made, look at what you have done...

Now our planet will have to pay the price, and it is all your fault...

Goodbye, my dearest Earth... goodbye..." 

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