| Her Honor |

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"Well, well

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"Well, well."

The Miz starts. It was the Monday Night RAW after Extreme Rules and Miz, with his wife, Maryse, were hosting 'Miz TV'. Dean had successfully retained the Intercontinental against the Miz and was on Miz's show, to show the afterthought.

"If it isn't Dean Ambrose. The man who beat me fair and square," Miz mumbled into the microphone. "Ah, don't be mad, Miz," Dean laughs. "You had your wife with you. The match wasn't all too bad," Dean smirks at Maryse. She shifts in her seat, a bit uncomfortable at what Dean just said. "She nursed you back to help, didn't she?"

"OK, Dean," Miz says getting Dean's attention back. "We all get it. We get that you beat me for the most prestigious title of them all, the Intercontinental title. But you don't ever," he says sitting up in his seat. "Ever talk to or about my wife." Dean chuckled as the crowd booed Miz.

"C'mon Miz," Dean says. "Take a joke, won't ya?" Dean continues. "My wife," Miz stands up. "My wife isn't a joke. My wife is the most beautiful person on this planet. My wife was there for me last night, just like you said, nursing me back to health after you cheated your way to win," Miz yelled. "My wife has always been there for me," Miz continues as Dean laughs to himself.

"But just like you," Miz scoffs. "Your wife and your marriage is a complete joke." Dean stopped laughing and looked at the man in front of him. He was no longer smiling. Everything was fun and games until someone mentions his family, someone mentions his wife, his most prized possession.

"What did you say about my wife?" Dean said through gritted teeth. Miz scoffed once again. "I mean, let's look back at it," Miz sits back down. "Your wife hasn't been there for you, ever since you came to Monday Night Raw. You've been beaten and bruised and pulled through the gutters by everyone on this roster and she had been fighting for a title that she no longer can get, not caring about what her husband has gone through."

"Your wife doesn't love you as Maryse loves me," Miz says. "Your marriage is a complete fake," Miz said. "Just admit it, Dean," Miz smirked. "Becky doe--," Miz didn't finish his statement before Dean punched him in the face. The crowd cheered as Dean continued to beat Miz up.

At this point, Dean was acting on pure emotion. Nobody ever talked about his wife. Miz tried rolling away from Dean, but Dean pulled Miz back to him, continuing to throw him into the ring post.

Dean soon felt arms being pulled away from him. "Get off me," he yelled as superstars continued to pull Dean back. Miz looked at Dean with anger as he came punched Dean, causing more superstars to pull them back.

"Dean, Dean," only one voice he was able to hear over everyone. He looked to the side of him and saw his wife there.

"Baby, look at me," Becky said holding his face. "I need you to look at me," she whispered. "You don't love him, Becky. Let him go," Miz yelled as superstars pulled him back as well. Dean pulled his arms away from the people around him, pushing his wife to the side going back to attacking Miz.

He soon felt something trickle down his knuckles. Blood. Just because he was protecting his wife's name. Eventually, the security and the superstars were finally able to get Dean and Miz separated.

"Dean, Dean. Look at me," Becky whispered holding Dean's head in her hands. He looked at the ring, noticing the title, his eyes filled with anger. "Jonathan, I need you to look at me," Becky says. He closes his eyes and looked at the woman in front of him.

"It's OK, baby," she whispers. "It's OK. I'm OK. You'll be OK," she whispers. Dean breaths heavily as he takes Becky's hand, pushes his way through people, walking up the ramp, behind the curtain. He did it, in her honor.

685 words

So nobody requested this, but I'm gonna make my own oneshots once in a while. But I like this one and I've never done a oneshot like this, so I'm glad that I can do it! Do you want me to make a part two of this, cause I was thinking that I should, but I'm not too sure?

Make sure to keep requesting!!


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