Intro | Author's Note

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UPDATE: Feb, 28, 2022: 

I'm currently on last edits, so if anyone is willing to proof / Beta read the last "gift" copy, please let me know through PM and I'll send you my online copy link. No heavy commenting needed... 12 chapters... just overall read and check through for trouble spots I could have missed from another perspective, before I pop it into the vault for Beta friends. ;)  What am I saying? I'll always welcome your feedback. Just let me know. :) Cheers ≈ Wez


SHORT STORY EXPERIMENT  [UPDATE below.] - Ver 0.0 (32K words)... This previous DRAFT of Möbius Alliance has now been completed with all your fabulous feedback and reserved offline as a ONE DAY GIFT for you as readers on my newsletter list—not that I have one just yet — but you can always send me an email and I'll add it when that comes out!

And, Yes! I am planning a sequel to Möbius on Wattpad, But I also have plans for 16 other short character backstories first. My long stories on Wattpad are prequels to my main later series, and most of the 'shorts' are background on the characters in them—at least the ones that I love the most. The long ones are long. The short ones are short. No other difference—all in my same universe worlds.

Don't feel you need to read the rest...

The below was my original post and the reason Möbius Alliance came about in my life from a writer point of view and has no current storytelling interest. So, hopefully, by the time you see this, there'll be other stories for you to read. Please skip over to those and email me for my one day list: (Elves at holeinthewoods dot net. :))

To introduce my Experimental Ver 0.0 short story, you should know it was written as a first step in learning to work only from voice, and that the structure came from somewhere entirely... not me. Therefore, this is not something I plan to publish. It is purely for enjoyment, but I'm hoping you'll totally love it and can give me some feedback. I will cite the inspiration more at the end, but first I want you to read this.

So, why the experiment? During this summer, I suddenly almost lost most of my eyesight [unexplained completely freakish something or other... of course. No one knows why]. And four surgeries later, I have permission for part-time screen use with my eyes. I have been really lucky, this far! And that's part of what brought me to this experiment and where it is now.

I said on my profile page, that this eye thing now means I have to do absolutely everything by rationing out an hour or two of screen time a day—across all my devices, and for likely the rest of my life (Yes! Imagine it—that means texts, emails, videos, pushing buttons, everything in only two hours... so cut that in half to come up with my ration for writing and...phew. Back to pencil and paper... or ... use of only my ear in playback and re-recording each edit by voice... ) or else risk further loss of vision. [Technically those are my limits, but I've since found Invert Colors combined with all day dimmer features can buy some more time, but the main goal remains--to not look at screens. And as we all know, one or two hours a day does not a full-time writer make. So, no surprise there!]  I'm beginning the first step of many to re-create a whole process for how to do this. I need a mental form template of sorts in my head.

Can I eventually learn to do this from memory and my own previous audio drafts? I am going to see... and this is it, so far.

This experiment will be a long time in the making, although Ver 0.0 is ready for me to share with you and hear what you think!

The Mobius Alliance explains some of my backstory for three different series I already had cooking (thank goodness, half of two were already written before my eyes went).

[All along comments and votes are naturally WELCOMED! And ever SO helpful! :)]

If you do go on and peak at the muse, mentioned after Chapter 12, drop me a note! It's in a totally different genre and has a totally different outcome, but it was a swell, interesting story, and so well worth reading. As for my own short stories, Ver 1.0 and on, I won't be using a muse.

I truly hope you enjoy The Mobius Alliance, and if anyone is working, like me, by audio only please, please, please share your progress—how do you do it!!?? The editing's HARD!

Cheers to you and happy reading,

≈ Wez

[... typos? Yes! please! Point 'em out... :)]


Maybe soon, perhaps... & surely...
By the end of the year, I hope to compare your reader feedback on TONS of other new stories I made from everything this story taught me. (Reactions and wishes are fairy dust.)
Cheers out from me,
~ Wez

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