One | Lights

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The Mobius Alliance

Chapter One

The first hints that an otherworld had come to the elves arrived early one morning, as shimmering ring-shapes appeared in the grass, surrounded by tiny silver-gold toadstools. Swirling spirals of mobius pink and white lights glistened—twisting and overlapping in the misty dawn fog—just like the sun's rays over the ocean, coming through clouds after a highly charged storm. The circles of light came from the ground, and as the grass grew, so did the patterns.

"You will find her," the voices had said. Alliance lay dreaming at that same time. She could sense that the boy had been promised he would find his true love if he agreed to come back to this world. But he didn't know who and where she was; and Alliance knew she was in danger of being his captor if she could not learn at once who he was. She stirred in a panic, sweating. Where was she now? Whew! Just a dream, like lightning—filled with a power she felt and tried to remember. No dragon kings. No fairies.

Alliance relaxed and forced herself back from her slumbers and into the day. She swung her legs out of the moss nest at the top of the tree where she had her edlrum—made from earthy twigs and soft wall construction--and forgot all about any danger. There was far too much distraction to be had—once she was awake.

Innumerable fountains of colour were dancing and zigging through all the woodland forests and underground caves.

Volunteers on the ground took their turns trying to reach out to touch them, but all the lights did was spin and float in their dazzling blaze of bright white, with pink and purple-blue showers of sparks flinging all elves—who made good attempts—six leaps away in shock and surprise.

The ethereal rings—that later turned out to be the light shows of magic—were lovely. Not a creature could have said anything else.

The biggest circle of light seemed now to reside alongside the river's citadel edge. This had all happened too quickly to know how many appearances there were in other places.

Largely within the domain of the Mithren Mortia, the lights blended—hidden and unobserved—even in the high crux of the trees or out on bare, lonely plains, where the most observant nomadic elf of the Frey persuasion didn't much roam.

The Elven Advanced and all the Frey Kingdom were able to gain no other new knowledge.

It was not until much later in spring, once the uneasy feeling in the air among the tree-dwelling elves had calmed, that Grandmother Gretchen's visions brought Alliance back to her dream. It was finally then that Allie began to wonder whether she should be worried about what she felt she knew in the dream.


I re-posted this opening chapter, here, by itself, so that anyone who wants to check out The Mobius Alliance could at least get a sense of its style. Your votes on Wattpad help to get stories more widely read. 

Please, consider voting if you liked it and email or pm me if you wish me to send the other chapters to you. (I re-drafted and pulled this story off Wattpad to keep it aside. It is hoped to be a special welcome for those who join my eventual group mailing list (once that becomes a thing I can do). I'd love you to have it! Just let me know where and I will get it to you.) 

As for your comments, here or in email, I can't say enough about how much those will help me. Thank you so much!

 Thank you so much!

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