-1 Keith's POV

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(A/N: This is after the season 6 finale. In this story they aren't returning to Earth to defend from Sendak because here it was all just ruse and he was ruling under Lotor so they all got eliminated. They're searching for the Alteans before going back to Earth. Past things might change.)

"Princess, this is too suspicious it doesn't seem safe!" I protested. "I'm sorry Keith but if there's even the smallest chance that there are Alteans on that moon I have to take it!" Allura exclaimed before zooming off with Blue. "Damn it! Guys stay back I'm following her." I commanded. I turned Black around and charged after Allura. "Princess please, something is off." I pleaded but there was no response. I sighed in frustration and increased speed.

She's been cold to me ever since I returned from the Blades and for some reason that hurts me more than what should be normal. I don't know what this feeling is but I hope it goes away for the sake of Voltron. My thoughts were interrupted by something shinning in the corner of my eye. I looked over and saw a targeting system. They'll notice us any second! I sped Black up so that I was diving directly next to the Blue Lion. I set the Black Lion on autopilot back to the rest of team once Allura got inside.

"Cosmo get me inside Blue." I said while touching my wolf's fur. I felt a jerk and suddenly I was in Blue's cockpit. I gestured to Allura and Cosmo jumped on her lap. She yelped as Cosmo teleported her to the Black Lion against her will. "I'm so sorry I couldn't save you too Blue." I whispered just as the targeting system finally noticed the Blue Lion and fired. The last thing I heard before everything went black was Allura screaming my name.

Allura's POV

I yelped as Cosmo suddenly jumped on my lap and teleported me to Black. "Keith!" I yelled but then realized he wasn't here. I turned on Black's intercom ready to yell at Keith as we were heading towards the team. That's when I saw the beam of light heading towards the Blue Lion. "Keith!" I screamed and the Blue Lion immediately lost power. She began falling towards the moon. "Black please get them!" I pleaded but he just growled in defiance. "It's your Paladin and fellow Lion!" I reasoned but nothing happened.

"Why Keith?" I breathed as I broke down sobbing on the floor of the Black Lion. The mice climbed out of my hair and began comforting but to no avail. "Why?" I sobbed. I kept crying next to the pilot's seat and the rest of team Voltron came in range. "Keith where's Allura?" Lance questioned but then noticed my crying. "Allura why are you in Black? Where's Keith? What happened to Blue?" Pidge asked but I couldn't answer them, I just kept crying. "Cosmo come here." Krolia said and Cosmo teleported away. A few seconds later she and Cosmo appeared before me. I turned away, unable to face Keith's mother after what happened.

I expected her to ask about Keith but what she said next surprised me. "Princess are you ok? What happened?" Krolia asked. I couldn't answer and instead continued to sob. Suddenly her arms wrapped around mine pulling me into an embrace. I forced myself to calm down so I could tell her what was going on before it was too late, if it isn't already that is. I pushed the thought out of my head and pulled back. "I didn't listen- he saved me, I- he and Blue, they got shot down- I- and it's all my fault! I should've listened to him! He's- he's the leader, now look what I've done! I- I- I just eliminated Keith and Blue!" I sobbed.

"We need to save him! Maybe it's not to late." I whispered. "There's no Lion that can pull this off." Pidge said. "Black is the second fastest and armored but we can't use him. Yellow does have the necessary armor but he's too slow. Green has a cloak but isn't strong enough to bring back Blue fast enough. And Red doesn't have the necessary armor." Pidge explained. "What if we give Yellow a cloak?" Shiro questioned. "Hmm let me see." Pidge said. "I can transfer Green's cloak to Yellow but it will only last 15 ticks, you would have to keep Yellow at full speed the whole time which is impossible unless I can figure out a proper angle." Pidge answered and the beeping of her calculations could be heard.

"Ok Hunk I just sent you a diagram of what you need to do, just follow that and this rescue mission won't go terribly wrong." Pidge said with worst encouragement I've ever heard. "Right no pressure." Hunk replied.

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