4. Charm of a Night Dweller

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As the school bell rang signaling the end of the last class I crept with my bag to the library and slipped the door open. The room was empty as most students, besides myself, didn't spend time in the library after school had ended as most of them rushed home. Elliot was with me as he edged around the corner of the door.

"W-where's the librarian?" He asked, his voice shaking and his face pale.

"Probably in her office." I stated as I slipped further inside while Elliot stayed by the door.

"Im going to go hide in the classroom next door." He said. "Just scream if you need help." And with that he ran away to go hide and I was alone. Elliot was great but he was a total wimp and I doubted he would be any help with this.

Silently I stepped further inside as I took my usual seat by the window, placing my bag on the floor, There was a certain eerie stillness to the air that made me shiver as goose bumps crawled up and down my arms and neck. For fifteen minutes I waited and then the door creaked open and Cole stepped inside with a certain devilish smile gracing his lips. He looked about strategically before his eyes fell on me and he walked over.

"Whats your name?" He asked with a certain sternness in his voice.

"I'm Y/n." I stated as I tried to sound calm but instead came off sounding empty and uninterested.

"And how do I know you Y/n?" Cole asked.

"You dont."

Cole sighed and sat down at the seat opposite of mine as he stared deep into my eyes. For a second he was silent as if he was trying to read my thoughts and I remained petrified in his gaze. Then all of a sudden he picked up a book from the table and threw it across the room where it landed on the floor with a sharp thud.

"Go get it." He ordered as he stared me down. I didn't move and I didnt speak as I remained perfectly still in my seat. This seemed to irritate Cole as he suddenly stood up and slammed his fists against the table.

"Do you feel nothing?!" He growled. I remained silent. "Well?" He asked again.

"I don't know what you mean." I muttered shyly.

"Look at my eyes!" He ordered a he leaned forward over the table and as I looked at him his eyes changed from a steely gray to a deep and glossy red. I just looked on silently as I was unsure whether or not I should start screaming for help soon. He wouldn't hurt me, right? Not in a place where anyone could walk in at any second.

"You really feel nothing, don't you?" Cole muttered as he leaned back and settled back into his seat. He sat there for a second drumming his fingers against the table before smiling slyly.

"This is...interesting." He said at last.

"How so?"

"I've never met a human who could resist my charms."

"You're not that charming." I whispered and Cole snickered.

"That's not what I meant. I'm talking about a different kind of charming."

"The magic kind?" I asked.


"The vampire kind?"

"I knew you still remembered." Cole got up from his seat and moved around the table to come stand next to me. I felt my muscles stiffen as the hairs on the back of my neck stood on edge. "I don't know why this is happening." He stated as he sat up on the table next to me. "I don't know why you are unaffected by my powers but don't think that will save you. If you breath so much as a word about this to anyone I will hunt you down and slaughter you like the helpless little animal you really are. Understand?"

I swallowed deeply and nodded.

"Good." He said as he got up from the table and turned to leave the room. "Have a good night." He stated as he turned and walked down the hall where one of his track friends were waiting for him. It was the same tall, black haired boy he always hung out with him. He was kind of a quiet boy and I think his name was Mark or something. When Cole approached him the boy looked back at me and as they left he cast me a hateful glare. No sooner then they had left then Elliot appeared around the corner of the door with a worried expression.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine" I stated as I stood up and grabbed my things. Elliot breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's great. Frankly I wouldnt know what to do if something happened to you. You are my best and only friend."

I ignored his statement as I headed out of the school with Elliot in tow.

"What happend?" He asked.

"Nothing much."

"What did he say?"

"Nothing important."

"Y/n, please just tell me!" Elliot begged and I stopped and turned back towards him.

"He basically admitted it!" I growled. "He really is a vampire!"

"What should we do?"

"I don't know. I don't know. I feel as though he's got me stuck under his thumb...but I wont stay compliant long."

"What are you going to do?"

"We are going to find his weakness."


"No clue!"

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