14. Three Shots in the Bloodstream

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The whole room falls into heavy silence as Elliot storms across the room to stand next to me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him as I look around at the faces watching us.

"I was gonna ask you the same question." He growls. "What is this place? Why are you here?"

"I'm here with Mark." I tell him honestly and then look back over my shoulder to see Mark slumped over on the bar table, four empty glasses in front of him.

"Who gave him these drinks!?" Sophie yells as she saw Marks sorry state. She walks over to him but all the while she seems to keep a side glance on Elliot who sits down next to me and glares at everyone in the room.

"Explain to me what is happening here!" Elliot growls and I swallow deeply.

"This is basically a monsters lair." I tell him, not sure how else to phrase it. Elliot nods slowly at the statement as he surveys the room, studying each face. Some of the other people have gone back to their drinks and idle chatter but a few stand still, their eyes fixed on Elliot with a mixture of fear, amazement, and hatred. I tug on his arm and pull him back to face the bar where Sophie is trying to get Mark to sit up straight. Finally she seems to get fed up as she fills a cup with water and splashes it over Marks head, spilling water all over the floor. Mark sits up with a start and groans. He looks at me and Elliot but doesnt seem to register that we are really there. While Sophie tries to get him to drink some water I grab one of his empty glasses and sniff it. It smells heavily of iron as well as several other strong odors that sting my nose.

"What are in these things?" I ask as I put down the mug.

"Human blood, cyanide, about three shots of vodka, and some cherry juice for taste." Sophie states.

"Three shots? Isnt that a lot?" I ask.

"Is that what you are really worried about?" Elliot asks me. "The alchohol and not the human blood?" I shrug and turn away from him and as I do so I take notice of Alexander again standing in a dark corner of the room to my left, watching us intently.

"This place is creepy." Elliot mutters as he grabs my hand. "Lets leave."

"What about Mark?" I ask as the guy is sitting there in a daze, the half drunk cup of water in his hands.

"Who cares about him!" Elliot growls. "He will be fine."

"Id rather not deal with depressed drunks." Sophie states. "If you are going to leave then please take him with you."

"No." Elliot mutters.

"Ok." I say as I go to help Mark to his feet. Elliot glares at me but I pay him no mind as I stumble to the doorway with Mark leaning against my shoulder. Eventually Elliot gets fed up watching me struggle so he goes to Marks other side and helps hold him up. Together we stumble back up into the streets where I try to find us a taxi or something since walking all the way home like this would be a real chore. We hadn't made it far though when we turned a corner and nearly ran into a man coming opposite way up the street.

"Sorry." I say and then I look up and shudder. Its Cole and he has a really menacing appearance. He looks over the three of us and then his eyes land on Mark.

"What happened?" Cole asks and I quickly explain the situation the best I can but for some reason I feel guilty doing so as if what I had been doing was somehow wrong even though I knew it wasn't. After listening intently Cole sighs as he takes Mark from us and picks him up easily princess style so Marks head rests against Coles shoulder. I find this surprising since Cole and Mark are about the same height and weight. Cole must be really strong.

"You two go home." Cole tells us. "I'll take care of this." He gestures to Mark and while his manner of holding his friend seems kind, his eyes tell me he is not happy in the least. I don't really want to leave Mark with him but Elliot grabs me by the hand and pulls me away.

"We'll go then." He says as he pulls me away down the street. He keeps pulling me and doesn't let go until we reach my house where we enter my room and Elliot falls limp on my bed.

"Are you okay?" I ask him and he tilts his head to look up at me.

"I was so scared." He mumbles into my pillow.


"Of the monsters. When I saw you down there I was....ugh." He groans and shoves his head deeper into the pillow. I sigh as I come to sit next to him by his feet.

"Sorry." I say, unsure as how to say anything else. Elliot groans again as he turns over to look back at me.

"New rule: no more hanging out with monsters without telling me." He says.

"I dont think I can promise you that." I say honestly.

"You have to." He begs. "Otherwise I would worry about you too much."

I sigh and nod in understanding. "Ok." I mutter and Elliot smiles.

Time skip:

That next day at school I arrived early to find Elliot sleeping on my desk. I nudge his arm and he sits up for a moment and then lays back down.

"Five more minutes." He groans. I smile and sit across from him and stare out the window at the rounds of students heading in and as I do so my eyes land on Mark. He is not with Cole as usual and even more unusual is that he seems to have a black eye. I watch from above as he clumsily tries to hide it under his baseball cap. He looks up, our eyes meet, and he shivers before looking away. Mark didn't talk to me much after that.

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