13. One Ruby Neck

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The school bell rings and I quickly leave with my stuff for the back gate on campus. Mark is there waiting for me and as he gestures for us to get going I take a silent note of Cole and Asia sitting at a park bench a little across the field. Asia has got a fruity looking pink drink in a plastic cup and she sips on it eagerly as she laughs and makes small hand gestures as she talks to Cole. Cole seems to listen carefully until finally he looks up and our eyes lock for a second. He takes note of Mark and me together and his eyebrows twitch but he doesnt get up nor does he make any movement to come say hello.

"Lets go." Mark says quickly as he nudges my arm. I take one good look back at Cole as he turns his attention back to Asia before finally turning around and leaving with Mark. We walk in silence down the streets until we are almost to the stairs at which point Mark finally opens his mouth to speak.

"What do you think?" He asks.

"Of what?"

"Cole and Asia."

"What about them?"

"Do you think they are...you know?"

I silently contemplate and then shake my head. "I dont know." I state. "You know Cole far better than I do so you would be the one to know best."

Mark simply shrugs and quickens his pace and as we walk closer to the staircase. Down into the darkness I take notice of a pair of hollow eyes starring at us from the shadows. As we drew closer I recognized the person as Alexander, the ghost boy, lingering just within the reach of the shadows on the stairs.

"Can you move?" Mark asks him as he was blocking the stairs.

"Who are you?" Alexander asks him.

"My name is Mark and I wanna go down so can you please move?" Mark asks. Alexander silently looks him over as a glimmer of recognition came over his face.

"You are the vampire!" He says loudly and Mark shushes him. "You were with the mean one." Alexander continues.

"Well the mean one is Cole and he is not here today so can I come in?" Mark asks. Alexander stares at him silently and then looks over at me. He seems to read my face carefully before sighing and moving aside.

"Thanks." Mark says as we walk past him. He follows us down into the tunnels as we turn and walk towards the same door as before. Inside the bar is much more quiet with far fewer people than the last time. There is only a few other people in the room and they sit separated at stools and tables around the room, each quietly sipping on their drinks as they engage in the occasional short, hushed conversation. Behind the bar the red head, Sophie, whips up a milky looking drink for a man in a tall top hat and long beaded coat. As she hands him the drink she looks up and smiles at us as she waves us over.

"Would you like something to drink?" She asks me eagerly as we approach the bar.

"I'm good." I say.

"Are you sure?" She asks. "I can make just about anything and only about half of them are poisoned." I didn't like those odds so I shook my head as Mark sat down at the bar and ordered something called a 'Ruby Neck'. I sit down next to him and Alexander lingers before sitting two stools down from me, just far enough that if I reached out he would be just out of my fingertips reach.

"Where's the blonde?" Sophie asked as she mixed Marks drink out of sight behind the table.

"Who knows." Mark groans. "Who cares."

"Did you two have a fight?" She asks Mark and Mark sighs as he turns his head to ignore her. Sophie then turns to me and I lean foreward to talk to her.

"Cole is on a date." I say.

"With who?"

"This girl in my class."

Sophie seems to think over this silently as she adds a few drops of oily black liquid to his drink and then hands Mark the ruby red substance. It sits on the table in a large glass mug which Mark picks up and chugs as much as he can before Sophie grabs in from him.

"Don't do that!" She hisses as she hands it back to him. "Go slow or you'll regret it later." Mark groans and sips the drink slowly but even then he is going through the glass pretty fast. Mark seems to be in a daze now and I turn my attention to Alexander who has moved one seat closer to me and is hesitantly looking over while trying to sit up straight. I roll my eyes and look away from him as Sophie hands me a cup of clear liquid.

"Its just water." She tells me as she pulls up a stool from across the bar and sits down in front of me. "How've you been?" She asks.

"I'm fine...why?" I ask.

"Just wondering. Are the guys treating you right cause if they ever try anything just tell me and I'll knock them out." I giggle at the idea of the tall but frail looking Sophie trying to take on two vampires but then I thought...maybe she could. Meanwhile Alexander has moved yet another seat closer to me so he is sitting right next to me at the bar.

"Do you need something, Alex?" Sophie asks him and he shrugs while trying not to look up at me. Then, out of nowhere, he gets spooked from a noise across the room and disappears, dissipating out of existence. I stare in awe at the place where he just was as Sophie giggles in amusement. Her laughter stops however when she takes notice of the source of the sound that spooked Alexander. "Why is a human here?" She asks and I look back to see, to my own amazement, Elliot standing in the doorway looking absolutely livid and red in the face.

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