9. Blood Mugs

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Saying 'it's safe' and saying 'I'll protect you' are two very different things. If it's safe you should have no need to protect me. What the hell is down here anyway?

I'm thinking this but of course I say nothing and instead just continue walking down into what I can only assume is the entrance to Hell. Finally the ground levels out and small lights flicker on illuminating a dark, curved hall made entirely of stone on all sides. The hall is wide and branches off on several sides to closed rooms. I am surprised when we pass by other people while walking down this dark hall. They cast me funny looks as we pass by which, in turn, makes me feel tense.

"Where are we?" I ask at last as the boys come to stop in front of one of the many closed doors lining the hall. There is a sign over the door, similar to one that would hang over a store, but it is so faded that I can't read it. Mark ignores me as he opens the door and walks inside. As the door opens and closes behind him I get a quick peak of the inside and see that it is a large room filled with people. I then look to Cole who appears strangely agitated.

"I didnt realize there would be so many people here tonight." He mutters.

"...can I go home now?" I ask and he scoffs at me. "Where are we?" I ask again.

"Somewhere fun." Cole states. "Now lets go inside." He opens the door and beckons me in but I notice that he is slightly reluctant to do so and even once we enter he sticks close to me like glue. Slowly, we walk across the room to where Mark is sitting at a darkly painted bar table behind which are shelves lined with bottles of various assorted colorful liquids. Mark has a drink with him, a thick red liquid in a tall clear mug, and he sips at it hesitantly as he eyes me awkwardly as I approach.

"Sit here." Cole orders me as he pulls up a chair between him and Mark. I sit down and turn so I am facing the bar just as a tall woman approaches us on the other side of the table. She is pale and curvy with fiery red hair hanging down around her shoulders. She is dressed modestly in long, black velvet pants and a red and black plaid shirt with long sleeves. Slowly she seems to eye us over as she leans against the bar. Her eyes momentarily hesitate on me before she frowns and turns to Cole.

"What the hell is this?" She asks, her voice deep and smooth but with a childish edge to it.

"What do you mean?" Cole asks casually.

"What are you thinking bringing this here?" She gestures at me and as she does so I notice several other groups in the room take notice and look over. Cole does not seem to like the added attention.

"She is my friend." He growls. The girl cocks her head to the side and raises an eyebrow. She then turns back to me and leans over the table.

"Do you need help or something?" She asks me. "Did they like kidnap you or something?"

Cole growls and pushes her back at which point the girl smiles and giggles to herself.

"Mind your own business." Cole growls.

"How nasty." The girl says with a smile as she leans back and grabs two glasses from the shelves behind her. She fills one with a red substance that she hands to Cole and fills the other with a clear liquid that she gives to me. I eye the glass suspiciously.

"Don't worry." She says. "Its just water."

I nod and take the glass, sipping it hesitantly. She's right. I then slowly put the glass down and look around the room. We are in some sort of restraint or club or something with a bar lining one wall and several tables dotted around the room. As I look around at the various faces I quickly realize that not all of them appear human.

"Is this like...a monster club or something?" I ask and Cole smiles down at me.

"Something like that." He mutters and a chill runs down my spine. I am definitely not supposed to be here. I take another quick glance around the room and shiver when my eyes lock with a pale figure in the corner who seems to be starring me down. It was a boy with vacant eyes and snow white hair hanging long around his ears. He wore gray shorts and a white shirt that seemed to cover him like a sheet and his entire body seemed to shiver with a sort of smoky, wispy radiance. I quickly look away and back to the bar where the red headed girl is staring me down.

"What's your name?" She asks.

"You dont need to know." Cole growled.

"I'm Y/n." I answer.

"Hi Y/n. I'm Sophie." The girl answers with a smile. "I run this place."

"She doesn't need to know that." Cole growls at her. Sophie grimaces and scoots away closer to Mark who is halfway through his drink.

"What's his problem?" She asks Mark. Mark gestures her forward and whispers something in her ear. When she looks back at us she is smiling with a slight blush on her face. "Oh." She mumbles. She seems uncomfortable. Just then my phone in my pocket rings and I pull it out. It's Elliot.

"Hello?" I ask as I answer.

"Where are you?" Elliot's static voice asks from the other side of the line. I hesitate as I look up at Cole who is glaring me down.

"Who is that?" Cole asks.

"Elliot." I answer and I can see him frown.

"Where are you?" Elliot asks again.

"Nowhere." I answer.

"You have to be somewhere."

"Its none of your business."

"...are you mad?" He asks.

"Kinda." I answered. "You totally ignored me today."

"Sorry." Elliots soft voice answered. He sounded quiet and reserved.

"Its fine."

"So where are you?" Elliot asks again and I open my mouth to speak when Cole suddenly snatches the phone from me.

"Hey!" I yell at him as he hangs up on Elliot and stuffs the device in his pocket. "Give that back!"

"You can talk to him later." He says. "For now we should go." He pulls me from my chair and back out into the hall, leaving Mark behind, but we are not alone as the white haired boy from the corner follows us out and, seeing him up close, I recognize him as the ghost boy from my bedroom last night.

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