two: the boy and his dog

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When I got up the next day at 7 am, I took out some clothes and went straight into the bathroom.

I needed to hurry up to attend my first lesson that was french, my hurried routine not leaving time to do any make up.

I would say my natural beauty slayed anyways but there was no one who could see me except of my old rusty teachers so I didn't gave a second fuck about my looks.

After being ready I rushed out of the room, not knowing that this day would change my life drastically.


At the end of the lesson my French teacher's phone got a message ,which she read immediately since she knew it could be my parents texting, who didn't usually like to be ignored.

She exhaled loudly "Madame, your parents say that you could go out and play a bit in your garden."

I frowned. Even though everything  she said sounded adorable because of her strong accent, I couldn't help but feel angry at her words. It was typical for my parents say this, because who else would suggest a 17 years old to go out and play in the garden.

But I didn't complain at all. It was the first time I went out since... two weeks ? I don't even remember.

And my mom's wondering why I'm that pale.

It had rained and the grass was sparkling because of thousands of rain droplets that decorated it like clear diamonds.

The air smelled like rain. I love that smell it makes me feel freedom, something I didn't get to feel very often.

I wandered around our big garden without a specific destination. Our garden surrounds our house and is fenced completely. One side shows the forest, the other side shows the probably prettier part of Seoul.

The fence is half brick stone and half iron railing, if you look through it from my side of the garden you'll feel like a prisoner.

 Well, that's what I am after all.

"Come on Holly...!"

I heard clapping, then...

"Yes, good boy."

I felt scared. I've never heard another person coming that near our house.

"Who do you think lives here ?" The voice came nearer, "It's kinda scary, don't ya think so Holly?...Holly?"

I heard barking and peeked over the fence.

An adorably cute dog was looking up to me, seemingly excited.

An adorably cute dog was looking up to me, seemingly excited

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"Hey Holly. What did you found ? Show m-"

The voice stopped as he noticed me.

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