We Have Fought Together for Years

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TW; anxiety, mild physical abuse, fear of being left alone
(I'm sorry I don't know all of what is considered a trigger)

Michael's POV
I walked up my driveway, reaching for my key out of my backpack. I frowned. It wasn't in the front pocket. I checked in the main compartment, with the same result. I must've left my keys in my room. I crouched down, overturning all the medium sized rocks I could find, not sure which one held the spare key. Aha! This one was lighter than all the others. I picked it up, and slid out the bottom panel.

Nothing. Weird. I reached a finger in, and felt something. I squeezed another finger in trying to pull out whatever was inside. My face scrunched up from the mild pain. Damn you, chubby fingers. I managed to get a grip on the object, and get my fingers out of the fake rock. A folded up post-it fell to the floor, with small writing. I recognized the penmanship instantly.

"So sorry,
I used these keys when 'the incident' happened, and then somehow I lost them.

My breathing sped up, even as I tried to calm myself. 'The incident' happened four years ago, in 7th grade, but it feels like it was only yesterday.

Four Years Ago

It's the first day I get to walk home alone. I'm a little nervous, but I can't show it. I walk down the sidewalk, proud and happy, feeling like an adult. I make it all the way to the front door, no incident. I remember Mama telling me where the spare key was, under the rock in front of the house. I confidently found the rock, slid the panel, and retrieved the key. I opened the door, put the key back in the rock, and set it down in it's normal spot.

I went inside, closing the door. Flinging my backpack on the couch, I went straight to the fridge. On the freezer door, a note was attached with a magnet.

"Hey Mickey Mouse!
Your Nanay and I will be working really late. Something about a big client and it's pretty urgent. I made you some spaghetti and meatballs, all you have to do is microwave them. Call us before you go do bed. Do your homework and then play video games. I'm so sorry buddy!
Love you so much,

I smiled. I loved my moms, but an afternoon to myself didn't seem all that bad. Wanting to prove I was responsible, I diligently did my math homework. Once I was done, I heated up the pasta and headed upstairs to my room to play on my Wii.

The excitement of being all alone turned into boredom, and then into fear as the night droned on. I wanted to call my parents, but I needed to show them I was brave, and I could handle this. It was dark, and I figured I should just go to sleep anyway. I picked up the house phone and dialed my Mama's cell number.

"Hey buddy!"


"How're you holding up? Was the pasta okay? Did you finish your homework? Are you going to bed?"

"Good, yes, yes, and yes. Jeez, slow down!"

"I'm sorry. I'm just so worried about you. I know we've left you home alone before, but never at night. You sure you're okay?"

"I promise. How's work?"

"It's insane! But hopefully we should be home in around an hour."

I checked the time; 8:34.

"Okay," I replied. "Can I talk to Nanay?"

"Of course! One second."

I heard the phone being handed off, followed by the sweet voice of my Nanay.

"Hi, Nanay!"

"Michael! How's that night at home going? Your Mama's ridiculous, worrying about you so much. I know how brave you are."

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