A Guy I Would Kinda Be Into

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Jeremy's POV

"No way, dude. He can not make this trick! For a beginner like him? A No Hand Suicide? No. Fricking. Way."

"I don't know, Rich. I think he can do it. Besides, he did just do a successful Toboggan. That is not a beginner move! And you could argue that a Toboggan with good form like that is way harder than a Suicide. Give the kid a shot!"

I laugh quietly to myself, and lean back on the bench. When Jake had first invited me to come to the skate park with them, I wasn't too sure. (Especially because, by default, I'm the third wheel.) But between the couple's banter and the insane tricks the kids are pulling off, I'm kinda glad I said yes.

I watch the biker my friends are talking about. His hair is pulled back into a ponytail and it sways as he fastens his helmet. He glances up and catches my eye. I grin, giving him a thumbs up. The kid beams back at me, which seemingly rearranges all the freckles on his face.

He refocuses, slightly tightening his grip on the handlebars and taking a deep breath. He presses on the left pedal, setting the wheels in motion and propelling him forward. He moves with control down the concrete of the slope, and then starts heading up the small hill, designed to give a good amount of airtime. As he reaches the top with increasing speed, he is lifted off the ground into the air. I have no idea what a No Hand Suicide is, but I sure as hell hope he can do it.

"Come on, kid," I whisper.

His legs grip the frame of his bike, and—get this, he lets go of the handlebars and opens is arms wide, as if going in for a hug.

His bike begins to plummet down and he yelps, but just before the wheels hit the ground, his hands find the handlebars. He lands perfectly and he keeps pedaling. The look on the boy's face is priceless. He is glowing.

I clap, automatically. Rich notices and he laughs, and I laugh too.

"I guess you were right, Jake," Rich says, slightly defeated, but clearly trying to hide a smile.

"That was amazing!" I say excitedly.

Maybe they're used to seeing this stuff, but I'm certainly not.

"I can't imagine what it's like to be so brave and free like that. Damn!" I gush.

"You know, it's hard to feel free when you're lying to yourself. Maybe if y-"

Jake elbows Rich in the ribs, trying to shut him up.

"What? He needs to stop prete-"

This time, Jake pulls Rich into a deep kiss, and the shorter boy soon melts into it. I divert my eyes. Watching would be an invasion of privacy.

After a moment, I take a peek at my friends, and Rich pulls away, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

"That," he says breathless, "was a very, very nice kiss. Thank you. I'll pay you back later."

He smirks and winks, and I gag a little.

"But it's not gonna stop me!" Rich shouts.

"Babe," Jake pleas, quietly, "it's his thing to deal with."

"What, Jake? What's my 'thing to deal with'?" I say, even though I'm pretty sure I know exactly what they're talking about.

Both heads turn to me, surprised, as if they forgot I was there.

"Does this have to do with Michael? Or me 'liking guys'?"

The boys glance quickly at each other, then to me. Rich nods 'yes' and Jake shakes his head 'no' , angering me more.

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