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We all stood there for a few more seconds, before Jackson broke the silence with a heavy sigh.

"Yeah well shit. I'm getting fucked over for this flipping mess." He muttered under his breath and he moved around Leslie to go off to somewhere.

I watch him go and turn back to the mess, "Well um, are we going to figure out how the hell this happened or-"

"Nah sis. Fuck that. This shit is already weird enough and I don't want to go around hunting ghosts or I don't know...psychos?" Jiyeon shakes her head profusely. She mutters goodnight as she runs back upstairs into the safety of Jackson's room.

"Leslie?" I turn to her. "What do we do?"

Leslie stares at the shards of broken glass. "I'm not sure. Call the police, obviously, but meanwhile, we can't just stand here and ignore it. Some weird shit is going on in here, y/n. And it's freaking me out." Then, she glances at me, "I saw someone outside," she pauses, "but I'm not sure if it was Jackson's neighbor or some stranger."

I nod, sort of surprised she also saw something and glad I wasn't alone. "I saw someone too."

We both look at each other and it clicks then. That it's stupid standing around and pondering over what the hell is going on.

I reach for my phone in my back pocket.


I ignore it and dial the police.

*dUn dUn timeskip brought to you by Jimin's abs*

The day afterwards, I stayed in. When my alarm clock rudely awoke me from a perfectly charming slumber, I knocked it off my nightstand and rolled back into my covers.

I did not want a single thing to do with life today and that was fine.

For the meantime.

While I had been stuffing my face with (favourite snack) and re-watching a random 70's show, the doorbell rang. I jumped in surprise and glanced at the time on my phone. 6:30 p.m..

Who would be visting me?

I stuffed one last piece of (snack) into my mouth before I ran all the way to the door. I peaked through the peep-hole and see a cute head bobbing side-to-side.

I swallowed roughly the snack and breathe as nerves rack through my body, before swinging the door open and yelled, too enthusiasticlly, "YOONGI!"

He beamed when he heard me. "Y/N! Hello. How are you? You weren't at school today..."

"Oh, I wasn't feeling so well. Thought resting a bit wouldn't do any harm." I shrugged, and as I realized how cute his concern was, my cheeks warmed up a tad bit.

I cleared my throat. "So, um, why do you ask by the way and OH! COME IN." I laughed and apologized for being rude.

He waved it off. He steped inside and politely slipped his shoes off. He set them aside as he told me, "I don't know...I was just really worried for you after-"

He stopped himself. He cleared his throat and he shrugged again. As he stood up staight, his eyes avoided mine. "Yeah, just worried since I didn't see you at all."

"After what?" I questioned. My eyebrows furrowed as I stared at him.

"Nothing." Yoongi wouldn't look at me. "Nothing important, anyway."

I shook my head. "Seriously? If it's not important, then it wouldn't matter if you told me..."

Yoongi finally looked at me and his warm eyes held mine for a second too long, and I was really convinced there was nothing to question for I only saw genuine concern, but my gut told a different tale. And someone special told me to always listen to my gut. Always.


Yet I decided to leave it at that.

He followed me into the kitchen where I offered him a snack.

He politely declined. "I'm not going to stay for too long. Just came to check up on you and drop off some homework from the periods you share with Jungkook."

"Thanks, Yoongi." I smile. He really was so sweet...

It was silent for a moment, as we both just stared around the room.

Then, he spoke up, "Jimin asked if you got his text last night?"

"Oh, um, I'm not sure. Around what time?"

"Around maybe 11-ish?" Yoongi shrugged.

Close to the time the window broke.

"Maybe. I'll check. How did he find my number anyway?"

"Beats me. He probably asked one of your friends." Yoongi dropped a few papers on the table and he explained a few things in there before he had to leave.

I walked him outside and I asked him about his life, briefly, wondering how he felt since he was generous enough to ask about me.

"Pretty good right now. Nothing interesting though." He looked down at me. He wasn't tall, compared to Jungkook or Namjoon. He was easily an inch or two above me and I wasn't the tallest teenager alive for sure. Probably the shortest besides Jiyeon. But he still had to look down while I craned my neck.

His arms suddenly engulfed me in a warm bear hug and he muttered something into my hair.


His arms tightened around me before he broke away and sighed. "Nothing. Again." He smiled when I raised a brow and he ruffled my hair.

I watched him go safely into a decent-looking white car with windows tinted black and with a roar, it sputtered to life and I watched Yoongi drive away.

OKAY well i hope this wasn't TOO long or TOO boring. And YO, DUDES, I HAVE BEEN THINKING TOO MUCH ABOUT WHAT WRITE FOR MY CHAPTER 😂 I need help. And i feel bad cuz i take too long and weeb over here doesn't deserve to wait for me to do something. I promise, i will try my best from now on to be more consistent with uploading. Love you all 💛

signing out - LeE

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