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Signing in - Lee

Click. The blinding light of their camera's burned my eyes for a second; a second enough for Jimin to swoop in and grab my right elbow, while Taehyung stood beside me, and like that, the pair accompanied me to my first period class. Advisory.

When we got there, the bell rang and I waved them off with a tiny smile along with a simple 'Thank you.'

I didn't enter the class immediately. Instead, I watched them stroll down the hallway.

Nothing really special about it, but ever since the incident at Jackson's house, I've been feeling off. Like something didn't quite match up. Perhaps paranoia it is to blame, after Leslie's confession. And the rock. The glass. The strange silhouettes that shadow me. It wasn't like I was oblivious or stupid, nor was I the type to ignore the obvious... But after meeting these guys, unsettling things began to happen. Well, nothing really happened, but the feeling. You know, the feeling you get as you walk down a dark corridor after watching a horror movie. It was that type of feeling.

I just don't get it.

The biggest issue right now is the hooded figure and the rock. The day afterwards, Jackson told us to forget anything happened. Leslie, Jiyeon, and I agreed. How idiotic. How can we ignore something like that? But I remember what Jackson said...

"I think it's better if we pretend nothing happened here." Jackson commented as he piled five spicy chicken drumsticks on his plate.

"Why?" Jiyeon asked, "Isn't this the kind of thing we have to report?"

"Yeah..." I added. "Who knows. Maybe there's a psycho in town. It's better to figure out what the hell just happened."

Leslie nodded, shoving a chicken into her mouth.

Jackson shook his head. "Don't go prying into what's not your business. Sometimes, it's better to live in darkness, than in the truth."

And I have to agree.

I'm too scared to know the truth.

Forget it, Y/N, I think. I, finally, twist on my heels to enter the class for they had already disappeared around the corner, but I bump into the chest of a guy two heads taller than me.

My eyes trail up his chest, until I find eyes the color of American money staring down at me with curiosity.


"What are you doing?"

It's fucking Lane. Beautiful, Californian Lane is staring at me and t a l k i n g to me. No big deal.

Without a second of processing what I was about to say, my mouth opens itself and blurts, "Er-hello! You got such pretty eyes. "

He blinks down at me. Confusion lather's his face, and I want nothing more but to scream at the top of my lungs in utter embarrassment.

I shake my head and chuckle awkwardly, "Sorry. Um-nothing. Why?"

He's silent for a second. Then, he chuckles and says, "Um, it's just that you've been standing there for a solid twenty seconds staring at nothing and you're blocking the path. And I need to use the bathroom."

I jump out of his way and apologize profusely. He raises past me and I hurry to an empty spot beside the window, aggressively plopping down in my seat and leaning my forehead against the cold wood of the desk.

Woah. I need professional help and a good-night's sleep.

"Y/N? You good?" A sweet voice asks from beside me, and as I raise my head, I see Jungkook pulling out the empty sit and sitting down with his full body facing me.

I nod, putting my head back down. A few seconds pass by before I feel a hand delicately moving my hair aside to the other side of my neck. From the corner of my eye, Jungkook rests his chin on his hand as he stares at me with a fixed expression of concentration.

"I don't believe it. Your face is red. Do you have a fever?" He rests the back of his hand on the back of my neck, then my forehead.

I swat his hand away and shake my head. "No, I jus-"

I cut myself off as I spot Lane entering the class.

Almost instinctively, I turn my gaze away from him and avoid staring at beautiful Lane when he plops down two seats in front of me.


I look up at Jungkook, then my eyes flicker back to Lane, and I return my attention back to him.

"What are you staring at?" He questions.

"Nothing!" I answer almost too quickly for suspicion.

Jungkook raises an eyebrow and shrugs. "Well, I wanted to ask if you could help me with something..."

"Okay, yeah, sure. What?"

"Biology? I heard you're really good at it!"

I nod, "Of course."

Jungkook beams, his eyes lighting up, and he says he'll be back in a bit with his books.

As I wait, I pull mine out and flicker through my pages randomly.

Someone clears their throat and I look up, but my eyes shoot back down as my cheeks flame up. I force myself to look at him in the eyes, suppressing the myriad of butterflies in my stomach.

"I overheard your conversation..." Lane trailed off awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck, "And um I was wondering if you could tutor me in bio as well."

I nodded eagerly. "Yeah! Uh, when?

"Tomorrow? 4: 30, at the student cafe?" He offers, smiling as he pulls his phone out. He asked for my number and we exchanged numbers in a few seconds since he had gotten a new number. He thanks me and goes back to his seat. My heart flutters in my chest and warmth spreads in my belly as I think about tomorrow.

Then, I remember Jungkook and I turn my head around to look for him.

I see him standing a few feet behind me with a snapped pencil in his clenched fist and a tick in his jaw; his dazzling eyes swaying with a million emotions, but they sent daggers of hatred at something and I follow his line of gaze.

But I find nothing besides Lane.

And it can't be him, right?

"Hey, Jungkook!" I call out. His eyes snap to my direction, and they soften. Just a bit.

He scowls before he comes and sits beside me.

The tension is thick as we both avoid each other's gazes.

But for what?


"You like Lane, don't you?" He cuts me off. He keeps staring at everything, but me. "I saw the way you acted. You grew red and your face radiated happiness..."

He glances at me briefly. "You guys are going out, aren't you?"

I shook my head. "Wha-"

"Good. You shouldn't."

And I believe he thought I didn't hear him because he whispered the last part under his breath.

But I did. Loud and clear.

"More for his sake than yours."

WELL. There you go! I hope it's good, I'm kind of tired right now, so I'm not sure if it's as entertaining or interesting (plus, I hope it makes sense AND if you forgot, Lane is your crush) as I would hope it to be! I don't know, I'm on the verge of falling asleep but I got this dudes, hope you enjoyed!

Signing out - Lee

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