Welp I haven't updated this in a while... Rn I'm just not very good at all. I'm laying in bed, really depressed and wanting to die, so...... I'm literally listening to a sad playlist I made because i can, also because I can't listen to happy music when I'm depressed so I'm really not helping my situation at all. Anyway, enough about this, because I know no one cares, so I'll just talk about other things that people probably don't care about either. On Monday I had to wake up at five in the morning because I had to be at the dance studio at 6:50 in the morning, and I had auditions and stuff until about 1pm and then I went home. I had to go back to dance at 6:30 until 9:00 so that's always fun and I was extremely tired that day so... yeah. Idk why I write these things because no one cares. Ok. Bye.