I probably should have said that I'm really shitty at updating things in the intro. I'm a busy human and I finally had a free day! Anyway, lately things for me have been a rollercoaster that goes up and down. There's been some days where I'm happy and I'm a good mood for the most part, and then there's the days that are literal hell and I just want everything to be over. Today was an okay day, wasn't amazing, but it wasn't bad. Friday wasn't a great day for me, because I was doing my makeup for a show, and twenty minutes before I had to be at the theatre I had a panic attack because my makeup wasn't working out(yes i know it's dumb) and my mom was yelling at me because we had to go, and my dad was telling me to hurry up. So I started to redo all of my makeup at 6:10, and I had to be at the theatre at 6:30. So that wasn't the greatest... Saturday was okay, and like I said before, the rest of it was just a roller coaster of emotions that I won't get into...