Chapter 5: Backlash

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May 6

Cole: Our main event tonight we have Alex Auditore vs. Kevin Owens for the Universal Championship.

Graves: the Prizefighter invoked his rematch clause for the title.

Cole: and our other main event it will be Alexa Bliss vs. Mickie James for the RAW Women's Championship.

Saxton: Alexa became #1 contender after winning a fatal 4 way match, earning her opportunity.

(Fast forward to main event)

Graves: up next it's Bliss vs. James for the Women's Championship.

Alexa was at the gorilla waiting for her cue and she felt a touch on her shoulder, she turned around and smiled.

Alex: good luck Alexa

Alexa: thanks

We hugged each other as Alexa's music starts to play

(Fast forward towards the end of the match)

Graves: Twisted Bliss off the top rope!




Cole: we have a new RAW Women's Champion.


Alexa walked backstage and is greeted by the gang.

Sasha: Alex's match is next

Bayley: are you going to watch from the back to support him?

Alexa: uhh, yeah, maybe

Nia: guys, we're going to have a little talk with her.

Alexa gave a confused look on her face

It was my match against Owens, and the gang was watching from the catering area.

Nia: so Lexi, what do you think of Alex?

Alexa: he's cute and handsome

Sasha and Bayley gave her teasing looks

Bayley: do you like him?

Alexa was surprised by Bayley's question, she tries to deny it

Alexa: no, I don't!

Sasha: come on girl, don't deny it

Finn: you were blushing hard lass, when you two met eyes for the first time

With the bombarding teases, Alexa couldn't hold it in any longer, she confessed to the gang

Alexa: yes, I like Alex!

The girls were surprised and the guys heard her

Nia: you guys were totally lying when Finn asked what was going on between you two.

Alexa: I just felt comfy, secured and safe when we were sleeping together.

Seth: you guys slept together?!

Nia: you have to tell how you feel after his match

Alexa: I will

(Fast forward towards the end of the match)

Cole: AKO by Alex!




Graves: Alex Auditore retains his Universal title!


I went backstage and was greeted by the gang and the girls pulled me aside

Bayley: Alexa has something important to tell you

I gave a confused look;

Alex: what does she want to tell me?

Sasha: go to her locker room, she'll tell you there

I went to Alexa's locker room and the gang stood outside the door and listened. I walked inside and I saw Alexa smiling.

Alex: hey, the girls told me you have something important to say to me

Alexa: I do

Alexa looked down and blushed, she looked back up at my eyes and smiled

Alexa: I like you Alex

I was surprised; I dropped my title, covered my mouth with my hand, and thought to myself

Alex's mind: Did she tell me she likes me?

I couldn't believe it, but I know in my gut I have to tell her how I feel and what Seth told me. I looked into Alexa's eyes and said.

Alex: Alexa I like you too. I had feelings for you since I came to RAW.

Alexa: I had feelings for you when you saved me from Murphy

She dropped her title and starred each other in our eyes. Our faces grew closer and our lips nearly touched, but we were interrupted by the gang.

Finn: alright lad, you finally grew a pair, you are officially a man

Seth: you may borrow my nickname dude

Bayley hugged me and Alexa

Nia: I'm so happy for you bestie

Sasha: welcome to the club.

All of us took a shower and packed our stuff to go rest. I carried Alexa's stuff to the car and we drove back to the hotel. While we were driving my free hand felt a touch from Alexa's hand. Our hands intertwined and we held throughout the ride and smiled. We walked in the room and turned on the TV showing Cinderella.

Alex: this is one of my favorite Disney films

Alexa gave a surprise look

Alexa: I didn't know you liked Disney movies

Alex: Disney has always been a big part of me as a kid

Alexa smiled. We sat down on the couch and watched the movie, her head on my shoulder and our hands intertwined.

A Blissful Story (Alexa Bliss x OC)Where stories live. Discover now