chapter 10

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yesterday it was fun no school just shopping but today school I am in the limo with Christy we just at the back of the school I step in the school and, the sweet Smell of my ex MATE was kissing the school bad girl sam aaahh I just wanted to scream but I just pass and the bell rang

first period

second period

third period

fourth period


six period art

"hello class today we are gonna draw what is in your mind" the teacher said so I just started to draw when I was done it was heaven a Sun and a woman my mom in t white dress Christy draw a locket with her inside of it with her dad on the other side and in her l locket had a tear in her eye it made my wonder we presented I asked mine people laugh oh well stef he showed his and it was him kissing sam. I got mad and the painting burned up like set on fire I stormed out and went to sam class and I didn't even touch her and she flew to the wall and she was getting choked and I am not even touching her

"IF YOU NOW,WHAT IS GOOD FOR you.. STAY AWAY FROM MY MATE"that last part I screamed it she was running put off breath then something in my mind yelled STOP!!! and I did then I ran out of the school using my goddess blood and my princess blood I ran and ran.

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