chapter 31-the plan

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now when ever I am do another chapter I will put a name

spella P.o.v

I got a text from Nazar saying 'get in the science room in the school stat it is an emergency' so I got ready as quick as I can

stef p.o.v

I was at home being lazy when I got a text from sam saying 'get in the science room in the school stat it is an emergency' so I got ready as fast as I can and left

spella p.o.v

I was at school waiting them I saw stef came we both said "what are you doing here"

"I thought there was an emergency" we both said then the door slam shut and the Windows were lock and the Windows were break prof or whatever they call it omg thus was a step up

22hr later

me and stef was kissing like there was no tomorrow it was magical

flashback "look spella I am sorry" he said

"me to"I said

"I have bin a jerk"

"you have"

"a looser"

"you have"

"a loser"

"you have"

"you know you don't have to agree on everything I say"

"I know"

"well I miss you"

"me to" then he kiss me and I kiss back

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