chapter 29

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Nazar P.o.v

the perfect time is in lunch "hey spella" I said

"yes"she said

"what will happen if I found my mate?"

"I don't know"

"well I have"I said

"oh you have good for you who is she?"she said in a happy voice

"mymateissamandwearebreakingupbutcanwebefreinds"I said fast as I can

"I don't understand you"

"but don't be.mad and can we at least be.friends"I said

"ok sure promise"

"well my mate is sam and we are breaking up but we can be friends"

"ok" she said in a careless voice

"go to her now"she said

"are you shor"I said confuse

"yes go now"she said and I went to her

sam P.o.v

lunch perfect time

"so stef" I said

"ya"he said

"what will happen if I found my mate"

"I know"


"that nazar is your mate" he said

"oh and you are ok with it" I said


"how did you now"

"I saw you kiss him and said you where gonna tell me" he said

I got up and walk out with Nazar

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