In The Morning

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You awoke to fingers carding through your hair. A soft groan escaped your throat as you snuggled further into the source of warmth next to you. It was so comfortable, like you were encased in a heated cocoon. Bruno chuckled gently at that and pulled you closer, whispering into your ear:

"Buongiorno. Time to get up." That was when you remembered what happened last night. After you and Bruno had confessed to each other, you both lay down and just cuddled until you fell asleep. And that sleep was probably the best thing that had happened to you this entire year. But now it was the morning, and you had to get ready for the way back to Naples.

You exhaled heavily through your nose, loath to leave his comforting arms. But you got up anyways, pushing yourself onto your hands. He smiled up at you, bringing a hand to your cheek and leaning up to kiss your forehead. You smiled as wide as you could and felt your cheeks grow hot at the contact, pouncing and trapping him in a sleepy hug. His legs tangled with yours as he laughed, "Cuore mio, we have to get up!" His hair was soft and mussed with sleep, eyes bleary and tired; but he looked absolutely perfect below you. The light that shone through the sheer curtains gave his face an ethereal glow, making him look all the more beautiful.

This was the happiest you had been in the past couple of years.

"Buongiorno, Buccellati." You teased the letters of his surname, drawing them out in a playful way. He threw a hand over his eyes and let his head fall back onto the pillow below in mock defeat. "Sleep well?" At your question, he peeked out from under his wrist with a smirk. You flopped down next to him, resting your chin on your hand and tilting your head to the side.

"The best sleep I've had in years," Bruno said, catching your free hand in his.

"I can imagine. The night before, when we got here, you were tossing and turning constantly. Sometimes you even would get up out of bed and walk around. Woke me up countless times." You pursed your lips. "Had me worried sick." He frowned slightly, looking apologetic.

"Ah, I'm sorry amore." You told him not to worry and he clearly seemed relieved. "I'm just a light sleeper, I suppose. Always have been since an incident when I was little." He gave your hand a squeeze before sitting up himself. "But no matter how well I slept, we have to go back to Don Giovanna and report what happened with Accardi. Our trip ends today, and we want to catch our flight, don't we?" You sighed and got up as well, opening your suitcase to grab clothes for the trip back to Naples. You laid them down on the bed, ready to change into later. A deep yawn escaped your throat as you walked over to the bathroom.

"Did you want to go first? Or should I?" You looked back over to see Bruno rolling over onto his stomach, supporting his chin with one of his arms. He shot over a mischievous look, raising an eyebrow and smirking. You caught on to his meaning immediately. "Ah-... I. That's-" you floundered for a response, cheeks flaming. "Don't you think it's a little soon for that?" His eyes widened in surprise and his head shot up from its perch.

"I wasn't serious! It was just a joke, amore. If you want to use the bathroom first, that's perfectly fine. I can pack up everything else for our trip back." He smiled gently at you and you laughed nervously. You rubbed the back of your neck before shutting the door behind you, leaning on it and sighing. That was embarrassing. I should've known he was joking, Bruno would never move so quickly in a relationship. You thought, letting your head fall back against the door with a small thud. But as you undressed and turned the water on for a shower, you couldn't help but wish he was being serious.


Steam billowed out of the bathroom as you exited, towels wrapped securely around your body and head. You didn't want any wardrobe malfunctions today; you'd probably die from embarrassment. You looked around only to see that he was no longer in the bedroom. Probably out cleaning things up, that's just like him. You opened up the door to the parlor to see him organizing his suitcase, pulling out clothes to wear on the way back. Leaning on the doorframe, you watched as he set about his duties with a calm assurance. It looked like he straightened up a bit since you had left. His hair was clipped back out of his eyes so he could style it later, and his clothes looked a little less sleep-rumpled. His gaze caught you standing there and he zipped his luggage shut. Bruno straightened up and walked over to you, placing one hand on the doorframe next to your head and the other on your waist. He had a lopsided smile on his lips, looking absolutely lovestruck.

"Cara mia, can I have a bacio del buongiorno?" You crossed your arms and pursed your lips in mock severity, but you were still smiling. You felt like being a little smart with him. A few jokes couldn't hurt, right?

"Non lo so. Can you?" He raised a brow and leaned in closer, nose almost brushing yours. His eyes were half-lidded and absolutely sinful looking. Your heart raced with how close he was.

"My bad. May I?" You tilted your head to the side and planted a quick kiss on his cheek. When you moved back his face was a mixture of bliss and slight disappointment. "Ah, ah. That's not what I meant, amore." He moved his hand off of the doorframe and cupped your cheek with it, brushing his thumb across your lips. "I meant here." Your heart was in your throat with how nervous you were. And while you wanted so badly to kiss him...

"Brush your teeth first."

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