Chapter III » Problem «

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The Problem


She's Ten Years Old Waits He's Eleven Years Old

"Dear, come on~ We gonna take your brothers to Hogwarts!" Mother peeked at my room then ready my small bag to go.

I go downstairs seeing them being ready in their robes. "One more year then your next dearest!~" Father pinches my cheeks then leave the house.

"Where's Xander?" I spin in a circle then I heard someone snapping there fingers. "I Think he's with mom come on..." I just sigh and hope he is, two years that he's living in the house.

He did nothing but just to make the family ended up in the hurricane. Toys, clothes, things that aren't supposed to be on the floor started to appear to his touch.

Flashback Carried Thoughts 1933-1936

"He's actually a four-year-old!" I scream through the living room, leaving me alone with a child makes me think that I'm not ready for parenting. "Dear, do not scream Angelina will taking care of this..." Yeah, I never introduce that we have a new house elf due to Alexander's crazy appearance.

"Angelina tell me, Is Xander a witch?" I leaned down as she picks up the toys scattered around the living room. "Angelina only know that he's a half-blood that's all Dear..." I nodded as I looked at playfully little brother.

"Ow~! He had another toy!" I tickled him but that's the worst decision I gave to him, as he laughs the beautiful birds comes on the window when he hit me with a wooden toy, "Damn he's strong" I said as falling in the floor blinded by my thoughts.

"Merry Christmas!... Alexander?" I was his supervision tonight for Christmas but I'm not doing a good job for a seconds turning around for screaming-greeting the guessed. "Alexander?" I looked around the rooms but I leave the stairs cause he's too young and he knows it's bad.

"Your finding something?" Brother busy cheering then pays attention to me. I get him closer then whisper. "Have you seen Alexander?" I think then stops grooving. "I think someone is missing there quests this night..." I looked at my brother's facial expression tells me that It's not a good idea to leave the baby alone.

"Come on!" I entered the car, I carried my irritable look, "We gonna miss you two we have coming a Fifth year and Third Year...I just say you while in the Orphanage just small little babies..." My mother being dramatic again.

I turned around mincingly laughing around the baby. I lost the baby and father saw him holding someone's wand in the living table underneath.

He shares his food by throwing into different parts of the dining area.

"But the problem is when she enters, Gonna make sure that men in her house don't fancy her already..." Oh merlins, I thought she gonna missed the boys don't put me in the view, no no no, please.

He screams like he owns the world.

Angelina entered and He went silent

He said his first word, but times goes by I wish he didn't speak anymore. "I know bad, yeah..."

"What her for me boys, you know what you what to do..." They both saluted then smirking me at my view letting me groan, I just got back from my daydreaming but I just wish I didn't hear that and also I didn't wish for a security but the two men even I turned in my seventh year they won't even when I get a job!

We arrived at the Train station but We really needed to go to the Hogwarts Express... As muggles didn't find anything suspicious we went there and the coast is clear we arrived on time.

I can't wait to see how the train will look like and also boarding it soon for my first year, I was at the exact in front acting like joining already. "Excited aren't we?" My brother smiled as I looked at his robes. "Why red?" I pointed out while my other brother is colour blue. "Oh, soon enough you will know the meanings behind this colour, but to give you a trailer you will be also blue like him..." I didn't understand he doesn't want me to be part of the red colour?

"Just so will be an intro, The Red symbolized bravery while Blue symbolized Intelligence..." I nodded slowly processing it somehow.

"Look! Professor Dumbledore!" They were running for I looked at my parents for approval to joined them and they lead a hand letting me chase them also.

"The Youngblood boys, a pleasure to meet you again at Hogwarts..." I hit at my brothers back letting me ouch sound, "Professor what are you doing outside?" I moved around the surrounded robes as I saw a kid and what I think is Professor Dumbledore. "Well, I had something precious company and decide to let me visit him and take for study."

"Pleasure to meet you mate.."

"Oh! Professor, meet your future student..." I run away but the gripped on my shoulders carrying me in front of a professor, they don't get shy about there actions. "You must be Ms Youngblood?" I nodded happily then see the boy beside him giving me his stoic looked.

He looked at my wrist than his eyes wide enough for us three to be noticed, "Wow, is there something wrong mate?" My older brother was forced to put me in the back then we all leave the place when we heard the train whistle loudly.

"Merlins, that kid really is giving me a terrifying vibe..." They both chilled at what there professors unexpected visitor. "And he seems to know her..." They both rotate there heads at me

"I-I don't know him!" I blocked them away cause I don't wanna be embarrassed in thousands of students, "Find, When you get our letter we gonna asked you whose that person since he will be studying sooner or later!" Damn, Just because he saw my wrist that doesn't mean we know each other...

I take a glance at my wrist then It was Tom's gift I make it a bracelet so I won't have explanations to do when he finds it. I missed him. "Hey! We gonna be leaving and you are still on the station..." Mother holds my shoulder seeing that the train was gone so fast. "They left without you saying goodbye, how sad of you..." Father lowered his tones then we left the Train then headed for Alexanders.

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