Life sucks deal with it

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After 16 years on this god forsaken hunk of dirt I've learnt a thing or two. Three to be exact.

1. Life fucking sucks.

2.Trust no one.

3.People will always hurt you.

Remember these things and you'll be fine. Forget and you'll find your expectations, way to high and on their way crashing down.

I'm an expert on those feelings. You think this time will be different but it always ends the same. Holding a broken bloody heart and crying youself to sleep.

The therapist says I cope by pushing people away, he's actually the one who suggested I do this, blog and share my feelings with people I'm not close to.

So here I am typing aimlessly on my crapy laptop wondering why anyone would give a single shit what I have to say. Never the less here I sit spilling my rotten guts to complete strangers and not giving a rats ass what any of you people think.

Remember nothing is worse than life, love and happiness.

Your under payed life coach Euterpe (ironically meaning delight in greek.)

Bye bitches.

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