The therapist and veriations there of

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Entry number two.

There I sat in the 'cozy' waiting room of the therapist's office.

I use the word cozy cautiously because it was not in fact cozy but with the darkly stained hardwood floors, uncomfortable, ugly, brown chairs and the long puke orange rug you can tell cozy was what the designer was going for.

None of this is what put me off though. I have been going to Dr. Burke for quite some time now, never before have I seen the shaggy haired, blue eyed irritation sitting next to me.

My mother had dropped me off 10 minutes early for one of my twice weekly appointments, and he had been here, only when I walked in he was sitting on the other side of the room. Being the person hater I am, I sat down on one of the overstuffed scratchy couches 40 feet away from him, I guess he didn't get the hint because three minutes later I looked up from my phone to find him on the couch next to me.

Annoyed I angled my body so that his blue eyes bore into the back of my head rather than looking him in the eyes.

I heard a gruff cough from behind me and I was forced to turn and my hazel eyes met his blue stare, I was determined not to break first. I hardened my glaze when I realized he isn't going to back down either.

My glare intensified until i could tell by the small amounts fear brewing in his eyes that if looks could kill, he'd be rotting in a case six feet under.

His deep eyes were staring into mine and i swear to god he was looking into my very fucked up soul.

Finally after what felt like years he spoke, still making full eye contact.

"Can I put a name to the very beautiful face?" I scoffed at his attempt at flattery, I saw a hint of hurt in his eyes, what was more frustrating was the curiosity clouding them.

"Euterpe." I muttered.

To anyone else in the room we probably looked insane. Facing each other muttering unknown things.

His eyes lit up and a light chuckle escaped his slightly parted lips.

"I seem to be in the presence of a muse, inspire me." the arrogant way he spoke pissed me off.

"What about you?" I asked him. "Can put a name to the arrogance?" The corners of his mouth turned up in a small smirk as the venomous words rolled off my tongue.

"Apollo, the names Apollo." I chuckled to myself, how fitting.

"I seem to be in the presence of a god," he laughed. "it fits Apollo was an ass too." I muttered the last part under my breath.

"I'll have you know it doesn't fit, but neither does the definition of your name 'Delight'" he rolled the word over his tongue as if inspecting how it tasted.

I let out a small strangled laugh.

"So what are you doing here, lessons on how not to piss people off? If so you should get your money back," I leaned in closer and spoke again. "They aren't working."

His playful gaze hardened into a stern one.

"I'm looking for an internship, I'm graduating next year and it'd be nice to have experience under my belt. I'm personal friends with Dr. Burke."

"Oh." I said; finally casting my eyes away. I don't get embarrassed because I don't give a single shit what anyone thinks. The blush that adorned my cheeks was very unwelcome.

"What about you?" he asked and I looked at him. "Daddy issues?" he said coldly.

I scoffed and turned my head away suddenly very interested in my itube playlist.

"Fuck you." I felt the need to prove myself. "The doctor calls it depression, anxiety and a bad attitude to boot." I brought my eyes back up to meet his.

"What do you call it?" he inquired in a puzzled tone.


"You said 'the doctor calls it'."

"I call it understanding; 0% of the population shits rainbows or loves their families, so forgive me if I find more comfort in doom and gloom because at least that's guaranteed. Some people chose to interpret my feelings as a "scream for help." If we hadn't been interrupted I'd probably have read the expression on his face as intrigue.

To my surprising disappointment a voice rung out causing us to jump apart as if we'd done something wrong.

"Euterpe, Dr. Burke will see you now." I scrambled out of my seat and without making eye contact with the picture of frustration behind me I left the room.

So my dear readers.

I fear I should have taken my own advice because I appear to have opened up to this boy and it will only end in one way, pain.

Remember nothing is worse than life, love and happiness.

Your emotionally frustrated motivational speaker, Euterpe.

Bye bitches.

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