Day 3, video chat -Holli

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Under normal circumstances, I'd be embarrassed with how quickly I got over my hair cut. However, this was far beyond normal circumstances. I was on an alien planet, being kept as a pet by an anthropomorphic dog. I choose my fights. My hair wasn't hideous, I actually kind of liked it, if not for the circumstances it was given. Although I hated being forced into the chair, he clearly felt guilty.

So, less than ten minutes after I had my hair cut, I was following him out of the small bedroom and into the living room. He had my cushion up on the couch already, the sneaky dog-man had put it there before coming in to coax me out. I sighed and climbed onto the couch, hoping he had something planned for me, something pleasant.

After a few moments, he pulled a device out of a drawer. It was cylindrical and silver, some sort of metal. It was mostly featureless, with the exception of the top, a black plastic or glass, I never got to touch it and find out. He handled it gingerly, like it was extremely fragile. He placed it on the center of the coffee table, adjusting it to a very specific position.

He tapped the top, and three lights lit up on the front of the device. I was almost startled, nothing on it indicated it would light up. They lights shone brightly, even through the metal. I was perplexed for a moment, too anxious to touch it. Merle acted like it was extremely fragile, I didn't want to be the one to break it.

Shortly after the lights came on, a wall of light shot out of the top of the thing. I was actually started at the sight of this, jumping slightly. The light seemed to end abruptly a few feet above the device, forming what looked remarkably like a screen. Moments later, an image appeared in the light, like a hologram.

Merle started speaking to the image, which I slowly started to realize was of a group of dog-men. I was perplexed by this technology, trying to get a good look without getting too close. The image was blurry at first, slowly focussing until the image was Crystal clear.

It was multiple dog-men I had never seen before, sitting in a living room. It was much larger than the one we were in now. I could hear giggling in the background, past the dog-men speaking to Merle. The voices were definitely human, I wished I could see them. They sounded happy and carefree, as if they were living the life I wish I had.

The novelty wore off after several minutes, I started looking for something to do. I was just preparing to slide off the couch when Merle handed me a toy. It took me less than a second to recognize it as a video game. He booted it on, and the screen sprang to life. It was an incredibly simple game, the kind that didn't require instructions. It started off super simple, slowly increasing in difficulty. I played the game until The video device turned off, the light disappearing back into the top.

Merle again, gingerly placed the thing back into the drawer, taking great care not to break it. I decided not to ever touch it. If it was that breakable, I'd immediately be caught. He got up from the couch, heading into the kitchen, I presumed to cook lunch. I played a few more rounds of the game before putting it down to watch him cook.

He seemed content, smiling slightly, as if a weight was lifted off his shoulders. I wasn't entirely sure who we'd just video chatted with, but he must know them well. It was weird to think of him as having family or friends, he'd seemed like the Dragon who kidnapped the princess until just now. What were his intentions anyways? I wasn't unreasonable, I knew he wouldn't eat me. If I were a slave, he'd surely give me some sort of work by now. I definitely wasn't an equal, at least in his eyes.

I frowned slightly when I realized the logical conclusion, I was a pet. The tables had turned, and I was a pet to a giant, anthropomorphic, alien dog. I know most people would have been more jarred. I, however, adored animals, always wanting a pet of some sort. I had seen the love someone could have for a pet, and loved mine like children. I had long since realized that escape wasn't much of an option, so whatever he had planned wasn't optional. I decided to accept my captivity and hope for the best.

Lunch was relatively uneventful. The food was good, the juice as delicious as ever. He ate at my pace again, he seemed more relaxed now that my haircut was done. He seemed to be watching me more intently than he had been before, had someone said something to him during the video chat? He didn't seem upset or like something was wrong, so I didn't let it bother me.

Merle took both our plates once I had finished, taking it into the kitchen and disappearing for a few minutes. I figured he was washing the dishes from this meal and breakfast. He came out with the same kind of cup from yesterday, handing it to me to drink. A quick sip revealed it to be an even tastier version of what I was given previously, I'd have drank it all in one go if it weren't for the cup's design.

After handing me the cup and watching me take drink, he seemed satisfied. He walked past me to the couch, pulling a book off the shelf as he passed. I followed and took my seat, hoping he'd give me something to do. I watched in interest when opened the book to the first page and started to read out loud.

I couldn't understand a single word, but it was nice to listen. His language wasn't unpleasant in the slightest, almost sounding better than any earth language. It almost sounded like he was reading poetry.

After some time reading to me, held the book out to me, showing me a picture. I scooted closer, trying to make out the image. It showed a dog -man in a forest, talking to a rock with a face. It looked like a bad drug trip. It was very wonderland esqué, with oversized mushrooms and odd trees.

I decided to stay close to Merle. I wanted to listen better, maybe I could learn to understand some of the words. He towered over me a good 3 feet, I hadn't been this close to him without being too scared to notice. The longer i spent with him, the less intimidating he got. I had known him three days now, and I was already comfortable enough to sit within grabbing distance and listen to him read in a language I didn't understand.

I was shocked out of my concentration when I felt his large hand brush my cheek. I immediately froze, unsure of what to do. It took me a few moments to realize that he was petting me. I tried to like it, but I was c jarred the most I could do was freeze and accept the unexpected affection. He hadn't touched me except during the bath, which wasn't pleasant.

Shortly after he stopped touching me, the dog-man marked the book, putting it on the end table. I was relieved it was over, though a tad disappointed that he wouldn't be reading any more. He said his word for toilet, walking toward the stairs.

I was concerned about last night as I followed him up. I wasn't sure if I could trust him not to lock me in and strip me down again. Taking my time, I hesitantly stepped into the bathroom. I used the facilities as quickly as possible, not bothering to try and open the door. I knocked, holding my breath as he came in past me.

I decided to shuffle just don't outside the door while he grabbed a wipe. He seemed solemn, i felt a pang of guilt that my mistrust may have upset him.

Published 11/11/18

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