Seventy Four - Everything You've Done

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Days passed and Dan started to bond with Kirby even more. Recording for the new album was approaching, so he wanted to spend as much time with her as possible before he would have no free time. Sure, he'd take her with him, but he'd be working.

Thankfully there were few projects going on at the moment, the regular sessions with Arin being the most demanding. Dan was currently out walking with Kirby and as Arin came to mind he was hit with a wave of sadness; they hadn't really been spending much time together apart from work recently.

He knew that he didn't need to be around Arin constantly but he couldn't help but feel disappointed in himself. Did he take Arin for granted? Was he not putting enough effort into their relationship?

His foot catching on the pavement for a second jolted him back to the present. He shook his head; he was getting too wrapped up in his own thoughts. That could wait until they got home. For now he just wanted to enjoy his walk.

He felt Kirby stop and turn towards him, clearly worried about his little stumble. Not wanting to stop for too long and get in the way of anyone Dan flashed her a quick smile, starting his way forward again. Only hesitating for a split second Kirby continued with him, reassured by his smile.

Dan was glad that she seemed to be a lot calmer now, trusting he was okay much quicker than a few days ago. She'd also had no more nightmares, which was a relief. He'd never witnessed such a violent one and he had to admit it'd scared him something awful when it'd happened.

They soon left the main street and turned off down a more narrow footpath, leaving clustered buildings behind in favour of a grassy park dotted with trees. With such a hectic, technology-heavy life, it was always refreshing to experience nature and be reminded that there was more to the world than the tiny bubble that he lived in. Some people found that idea scary: the insignificance of their existence compared to everything else. Dan, however, found it oddly calming. The realisation that, even when he wasn't working, the world still continued to go on was comforting.

Kirby also seemed to be enjoying the new setting, her steps a little slower and more relaxed. Occasionally he even felt her tail brush his leg as it wagged.

After a few minutes they stopped by a bench. Dan sat down and Kirby followed suit and lay down at his feet. The last of the cold weather was finally fading, inviting the all too familiar clear skies and sun. Today was a happy medium; not cold or warm, just kind of pleasant. Dan leaned back in the seat and let out a long sigh.

He felt his muscles relax as his ears honed in on the sounds of birds in the distance, the slight breeze whistling through the trees disturbing them slightly. The quiet sounds of unseen insects in the grass. Even Kirby's even breathing helped to relax him. Anything natural, really.

With relaxation, however, comes a wandering mind. Dan's unfortunately found Arin again, the park setting not helping as it only reminded him of the day that they became an official couple, the decision made as they sat together in the shade of a tree. Now that he thought about it, he was pretty sure he was in the same park.

Dan opened his eyes which he hadn't realised he'd closed. Through his glasses the light filtered through. He still couldn't really wrap his head around how we was able to see light but not where it was coming from.

Thoughts and memories of all that Arin had done for him this past year replayed in Dan's head, making him feel somewhat awful about how little he'd done in return. Despite the length of their relationship at this point they'd only been on one official date: the one that Arin had planned for him, full of sentiment and cute surprises. That alone made Dan feel that he owed Arin something. He deserved it after everything.

But what could he do? A simple date felt like a cop-out, a way of fooling himself that he'd actually done something.

No, it needed to be special. Arin had been amazing to him, been put through so much. And yet he'd fought through, never leaving Dan's side when he needed him and even when he'd been suffering too. Damn, he had to deal with withdrawal while Dan was off enjoying the holidays with his family!

Dan let out a heavy sigh.

"Got any ideas, Kirb?" he asked uselessly.

He felt her shift as she heard her name, but of course she gave no answer. Dan thought about texting Suzy for ideas. He decided against it though; even doing that felt too much like an easy way out. He'd spent the last year of his life depending on everyone else.

He felt dirty, like he had not only abused his relationship with Arin, but also his friends. He felt obligated to do this alone, even if he was currently blank on ideas, he was determined to come up with something. That way, he knew it came from the heart, and not some secondary source.

Sadly Arin's birthday had already passed, but with Valentine's Day still around the corner, it felt like the perfect time. Dan sighed again, setting the deadline in his head.

He checked the time and decided it was time to start heading home. Feeling a new kind of spirit, Dan stood up from his seat. As he and Kirby retraced their route he hardly paid any attention to the walk. His mind was set on Arin and the new challenge he'd set himself. He smiled to himself.

He would repay Arin. He doubted he'd ever be able to measure up to everything that he'd done, but god damnit would he try.

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