The Other Half ch.10 part1 (Itsy Bitsy Spider)

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The other half

Chapter 10

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By roseykitty8, icedevil112 & blastburner yes he finally made a wattpad account so I will like to present my third partner on The Other Half BlastBurner appreciate it if you fan him. Anyways.....

Enjoy :) oh and don't think I forgot about Annabelle and Bryan.........

"Well here we are the Blue House," Jenny said. The Blue House was dark but though had some light because of the torches hanging on the walls. Vines, trees, and so many other plants were growing everywhere, it's like on the outside the Blue House it was clean and fresh but on the inside It's a mess. Vines hanging from all over the ceiling and tables holding a whole bunch of plants in a pot. Even trees grew threw the Blue House floor.

"Wow it's like you're in a jungle in here," I said. "Yes it even though I have never been here before," Klara replied. "But be careful. This is a sacred place, and a dangerous one, more dangerous then the forest outside. This place is full of creatures. Also we have to find that crystal before Viperia finds another way in."

Then as we walked father inside the Blue House we heard a door open. "Quick hide!" Christopher reacted. We all hid under the tables holding the potted plants. What walked through the door were two dark beasts and a dark ghost. "They're in here too. How did they get in?" I asked. "A Sacred/Nemesis must've let them in. And I have a good feeling who did," Klara explained. "Leon," Christopher replied.

The dark creatures communicated with each other and then the all headed to the other side of room and went through another door. When they were gone I ran right towards the door. But when I laid a finger on the door knob a bright ball shot me away from the door. "Huh? What happened?" I asked confused. "The dark beast must've left behind a wall of dark energy that blocks everything in its path," Klara explained. "Here let me try to break it."

Klara screamed put both hands in front of her and out came the beam of light. Nothing happened. So I went and tried to open the door again, but I bounced back again. "Ok this pointless," I said. "Let's just go through the other door and see it there is another path."

Through the door that was on the other side of the main room I see two large wooden poles with heavy metal chains wrapped around them. The metal chains were connecting the wooden poles to a strange girl. The girl had black with purple highlights, her eyes had a warm red color like the petals from a rose, she also had a long sleeved jacket that was the color purple, and she had boots that reached up to her knees. She seemed really desperate to be freed. As I got a little closer to her I see that she had a wooden table with fruits, drinks and bread. I don't get it is she a prisoner or a guest?

I walked closer to her until she finally noticed me, Jenny, Christopher, and Klara right in the corner. "Who are you people?" She asked. I was about to respond to her but Klara looked at me like I should keep my mouth shut. "My name is Klara," she said. "Oh I heard of you. You're the next Neosis Goddess," she said. "Well yes, and you are?" Klara said. "Well you should know that I'm the next Ne-what was that?!" The girl yelled.

After the girl yelled I started to hear hissing noises and vines crackling. I looked at roof which was covered with vines and see nothing but vines. "I don't see anything," I said.

Then out of nowhere something really heavy pounced on top of me. It was hissing and was stepping on top of me. I finally see that it is a giant spider on top of me. When it saw me it tried to singe its sharp fangs into my veins. I grabbed the giant spider's two jaws and twisted them apart. The spider let out a loud screech and climbed back onto the roof. "Spider! Spider!" Klara and The girl were screaming. "John hurry kill it before it kills us!"

"What do you think I'm trying to do?" I yelled back. The Spider was swift dodging the rocks that I kept throwing at it. Then the spider went over to a patch of leaves on the roof. When it got close to it a huge plant with a huge mouth and sharp teeth came out, kind of like the ones that attacked me in the forest. The spider chopped the plant by its long stem and made the head fall on the floor. Oh I see what the spider was doing, it's getting help to try and kill me. The plants head turned to the girl wrapped up in chains but instead it turned around and went after me!

"Christopher, Jenny, Klara would you mind helping me!" I yelled. Only Christopher walked out of the corner and came to me. He instead walked to a corner while the bodiless plant was chasing after him. All of a sudden I heard a huge explosion and saw the plant burned into a crisp. "John look Bomb Tree's," Christopher said while pointing to a whole patch of Bomb Tree's.

I ran over to the corner with a whole bunch of Bomb Tree's. I picked a bomb and threw it at the spider. The bomb exploded and knocked to spider right off the roof. When the spider fell on the floor I took out my sword and stabbed the spider head. But that still didn't kill it because he got up and climbed back on the roof. He sliced two more plants making them bodiless and when they landed one came after me and the other one went after Klara. Klara kicked the plant and stepped on it like it was giant cockroach. I just had to slice its open mouth in half with my sword.

But then after I killed the spider made a sheet of webs that stuck on to me. The Spider was slowly pulling me up and as I looked up at the spider I that it was getting ready to bite! When I pulled out my sword a bodiless plant jumped from the floor and took my sword with it. "Klara, Christopher, Jenny do something!" I yelled in fear. Jenny bravely ran over to the bomb plants and picked one. But before she could throw it the bodiless plant that took my sword went after Jenny with the sword still in its mouth. Jenny threw the bomb at the plant instead and then a huge explosion occurred. I was like Jenny, are you stupid?

The explosion caused my sword to rocket right to the spider. Then I saw that the sword landed right on the spider's heart. Of course it fell flat on the floor taking me with it. Klara, Jenny, and Christopher came over to me and helped me out of the web. When I was finally on to feet the girl that was still wrapped in chains said ", Klara I'm the next Nemesis Goddess."

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