Chapter 1

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"Hey Anti" Wilford tapped Antis shoulder impatiently. Anti shot up "huh? Yeah?" The music was blasting some sort of dubstep remix of a song they couldn't remember. Colorful lights were everywhere especially where the party was at. People were jumping up and down like crazy over there, but that's what you're supposed to do at a rave so couldn't blame them much. Anti and Wilford weren't at that part of the club though- no matter how fun it looked- they were at the bar. Of course they were planning of partying in fact they already had but right now they just needed some drinks. Anti was spaced out looking down at his glass of whiskey, that's when Wilford had to wake him up from lala land.

"You good? You've been staring at that whiskey like it just stole your money" he joked, Anti smirked showing his fangs. "You know I just have a resting bitch face but uh yeah I'm good. Just thinking that's all" he gently shoved Wilford, Wilford shoved back. He chuckled then spinned to the other side in the swivel chair holding his glass. He was now facing the party. He took a sip out of his glass "Ready to go back out there?" He turned his attention towards Wilford who was now facing the same way. He shrugged and jumped off his chair and walked to the crowd, Anti did the same.

They quickly lost each other in the crowd which wasnt shocking. Wilford was a much more party person then Anti, he'd steal all the attention with his dance moves, beat anyone who tried to prove that he wasn't as good as he seemed. Anti would just watch from the sidelines cheering him on and insulting the other who try to oppose him. Sometimes he'd join in on the dancing when he's drunk, that'd make Wilford the happiest he's ever been that day so most of the time it was worth it. Anti leaned against a wall near the bar tables but was still close enough to the party where the lights would blind him and the music would make him deaf. He had his his arms crossed against his black leather jacket and his legs crossed. After a while of Anti watching the party, getting on his phone, watching the party, getting on his phone he became bored. He walked away from the party going to the bathrooms. The music quieted down since the bathrooms we're far away, that made Anti happy.

Weirdly enough Anti felt like he was being watched, he felt it when he was near the party but there were hundreds of people there, could've been anyone looking over by accident. Now he was getting suspicious since no one was around here, a quiet long hallway except for the music in the background of course. He shrugged it off as he adjusted his jacket. He stood in front of the water fountain and was about to take a drink before looking around. No one for miles. He shook his head sighing then closed his eyes and took a drink.

"Hello" a deep voice came from beside him. The voice was very close to his ear. Antis eyes widen, he shot up choking on his water. He glared at the man and pulled out his pocket knife pushed him against the wall and held the knife to his neck. He coughed "What the fuck is wrong with you!? Have you been the one stalking me?" Antis voice was hoarse turning away to cough again "fuck" he muttered. The man stayed slient as he stared at the gorgeous demon in front of him. Anti swallowed then looked at the man "..wait" The man was wearing eyeshadow, had grey skin, slightly poofy black hair that covered his left eye and wore a grey suit with a red tie. "..fucking Darkiplier huh? You've been stalking me?" Anti didn't have much of an opinion on him, didn't even hate him as many other believed. He was just so emotionless that he didn't care about him, but since people assume him as a threat, Anti did the same.

"Yeah...who wouldn't?" Darks voice was..soft..calming like he was in love. Anti knew that type of manner, he's experienced it too much. "..excuse me?" He threaten pushing the knife onto his neck making a little cut. Dark hummed with a smile, he grabbed Antis hands "you heard me" Antis eyes widen, he was never used to getting dominated. A faint blush spread across his cheeks. He pulled the knife away from his neck and pointed at him with it "you know what, this conversation is over" he growled and started to storm away. Dark suddenly appeared in front of him "hey now darling don't leave me" he smiled as he intertwined his fingers with Antis. "Eh.." Anti blushed more as he looked at his hands. "Let me show you a good time~" he got close to his face with a smirk. He slinked around him feeling his arms then sides and chest as he was now behind him. "Hm?"

Anti froze he then smirked and looked back at Dark "alright..let's see what you got" he spoke seductively placing a hand on Darks cheek. Dark leaned up and kissed Antis cheek "great, tell Wilford that you'll be leaving early." he kissed his neck then let go of him. "Alright big boy" Anti winked at him then blew a kiss walking away in a purposely sexy way. Anti smiled proudly of himself walking to the party. Getting to fuck the most heartless demon that's apparently so cold so unfeeling so harsh. And to what people believe to be his arch nemesis since they're both the most popular. Anti always thought he was hot, but because of what's already been mentioned he didn't try to win him over.

Anti hoped Wilford was at the bar or something, he didn't want to go searching through the crowd but after not seeing him at the counter that was the sad truth. He walked to the party and shoved through the bouncing people. He made it up to the middle surprisingly and found Wilford, he was always in the middle. "Wilford!" Anti called out putting his hands around his mouth to make him sound louder. He moved closer since Wilford couldn't hear him "Wilford!" He turned to see Anti "oh! Hey! Come to party!?" Wilford was still jumping up and down with a smile on his face. "Hey! I'm leaving early!" He had to yell since the music was so loud, covering one of his pointy ears. Wilfords smile turned into a frown as he stopped bouncing "how come?" He whined "I'm getting laid, don't wait up" he patted his shoulder with a smirk then put his sunglasses on that were hanging on his shirt collar. "Ooooohhh!" Wilford laughed and patted his shoulder as well "go get em man!" He turned around and started jumping up and down again.

Anti shoved people out of the way and made it back to the hallway. Feeling a sense of joy when seeing Dark there. Dark walked over to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulder "ready to go?" Anti looked at Darks arm smiling then looked up at Dark "of course"

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