Chapter 2

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     Dark sighed, remembering that faithful night. After he took Anti home he of course did what Anti wanted. Sex. Once Anti was passed out Dark dragged him into his basement then brain washed him into thinking Dark was all he had. The only one who cared for him, loved him. The only one who could give him what he needed, that way he could never leave him. It's almost been a week since his disappearance, in order to not make Dark seem suspicious he acted like everything was normal, though he stayed inside a lot. Wilford would come over often asking if he's known anything about Anti, he even started crying once. Dark would always pull an act of sympathy for Wilford comfort him and say "they'll find him eventually, don't worry" Though he knew from his own experience, no one would find him.

      Dark made anyone that wasn't himself a threat to Anti, he'd run away and hide if someone showed up. Anti kept most of his personality but was madly in love with Dark, like it should be. Anti never left Darks side, except when he had to leave. It was always scary for Anti when he left. Luckily it wasn't one of those times, they were watching TV, Anti clinging onto Dark with his head resting on his chest. "Hungry?" Dark asked, his arm wrapped around him, Anti nodded "don't leave me though" he frowned "Wouldn't dream of it" Dark replied smoothly standing up along with Anti. As they were walking to the kitchen something played on the TV. "investigation on Antisepticeyes whereabouts are still under wraps, we've asked" Darks pupils shrunk "huh? Did that say my nam-" Dark pushed Anti out of the way and ran to the couch he grabbed the remote and turned the TV off. His heart was racing as he panted.

      "...Why did it say my name? Darky?" Anti asked with worry, Dark had to think of an excuse and fast. "It's that dumb channel again, they make fake news to try and stir up attention and drama." He looked annoyed as he threw the remote on the couch. "Why me?" He was still frighten. "They pick any demon they can, nothing to worry about baby, they even did one about me once. Hey how about I make you your favorite?" He smiled trying to change the topic, it worked because Anti got excited "yeah!" He jumped into his arms giggling while Dark spined him around. Dark then placed him down "homemade or store bought love?" He placed his hand on his cheek. Anti wrapped his arms around his neck "homemade, make sure to put your love in it" he pecked his lips, Dark did the same to him "I always do"

      Dark walked into the kitchen but for some reason Anti sat down on the couch "What did they say about you when you were on there?" Anti asked grabbing the remote. "Ooh uh..nothing really, just said that I murdered Wilford- or was it Google? ...I don't remember but it was because I was mad at them and went crazy, tch stupid" Dark had to make up something extra since the idea of Anti going missing would be just as extra...if it wasn't true. "Oh...well since they're so stupid could I watch mine? I wanna see what kind of bullshit they have to say" he chuckled but Dark didn't find it so humorous.

     Dark was good at keeping his cool, lying really. "Babe they're so stupid, come here and help me with this pizza please" He forced a smile even though his heart was beating like crazy. "It'll really just waste your time, you could've used that time to spend with me" Antis eyes widen as he dropped the remote and ran over to him.

     Finally they finished cooking the pizza together with some laughs here and there. Anti sat down at the brown table and was practically bouncing in his chair from excitement. Dark gave him the whole pizza all sliced up into eight pieces. Antis eyes widen as he looked over at Dark "Don't you want any?" Dark shook his head with a smile putting his hand out. "No Im not hungry, plus I need my little love bug to grow up big and strong" He smirked as he pinched Antis cheek. Anti pushed his hand away "I don't think junk food could make me stronger Darky" he laughed Dark smirked sitting next to Anti "it gives you energy, if you didn't eat you'd get weak, so this is technically helping you" he grabbed a piece and held it up to Antis mouth. Anti took a bite "whatever you say babe" he rolled his eyes in a playful manner.

     While they laughed and ate, Anti had a plan in his mind... something that Dark wouldn't like in the slightest.

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