Chapter 3

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     The sun was setting by this time yet Dark and Anti were just watching some Netflix movies cuddling up with each other. "Baby I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick." Anti muttered sleepily while leaning up and leaving a kiss on his cheek. Dark frowned and sadly removed his arm from him. "Okay hurry back, I'm already missing you" he smiled sadly, While looking back at Dark Anti couldn't help but feel awful for what he was about to do. Anti nodded and started to walk down the hallway rubbing his eyes pretending to be sleepily so what he did next made sense. Anti noticably walked past the bathroom and into their bedroom, Dark tilted his head as he laughed softly. "So tired that you missed the bathroom love?"

     Anti went into the room far enough that Dark couldn't see him and quickly checked in one of the nightstand drawers. "Huh?" Anti called out still sounding tired. Anti luckily found what he was looking for, his black and green headphones, once grabbing them he quickly shoved it in his shirt. "You're not in the- oh I'll just come get you." Dark laughed as he stood up and started to walk down the hall. Shit how am I going to hide this? Anti thought worriedly, the headphones were bulky and easily noticeable. Anti had to think quick, even if Dark would notice later on. Anti swiftly pulled out the headphones out of his shirt, and put them back in their drawer without making much nosie. Then took Darks black ear phones instead that were on top of the nightstand. Just as Dark was about to walk in Anti put the ear phones in his pocket and pulled on the sleepy act.

     "My baby must be really tired to think this is the bathroom" Dark chuckled as he walked over to Anti and picked him up. Anti lazily just let his limbs droop as a way to show he was 'tired'. "You're so adorable" Dark started to walk out the door but noticed something off with the nightstand, he couldn't put his finger on it. He shrugged thinking Anti could never betray him. They walked out of the dark room and made it to the bathroom. It was pretty plain with beige walls and white tiles on the floor. But the bath plus showers curtain was very pretty, it was white with some flowery petals on there, it was also fluffy. "Now should I wait outside or stay in here with you?" Dark asked tilting his head, Anti was already sitting on the toilet. Whenever he asked these type of questions it would almost be rhetorical. The answer he'd always get and always should get is that Anti wants him to stay but not in this case.

     "Um...could you actually..go outside this time around?" Anti looked up at him nervously with a smile as he should. Dark was shocked..that shock quickly turned to anger. He leaned down, placed one hand on his shoulder and pulled out a switch blade. "Are you hiding something from me?" He asked menacingly, holding the blade next to his throat. Anti started to hyperventilate, his body trembled in fear as he stared at the blade then at Dark with tears of terror in his eyes. He should've just told him, he should've just told him right there in then but he didn't. "N-no, I would never!" Anti gulped, feeling the blade move against his throat and scar. It was painfully hard to breath or talk or cry, all those things had to do with using your throating. Dark glared at him "How do I know you're not lying?" He growled lowly, Anti shakingly move his hands up and placed them on the arm that was holding the switch blade. He tried to move it back so he could talk, Dark only barely did so. "b-b-because..w-we love each other, i-id never want to ruin what we h-have." Anti felt disgusting, how could he be keeping a secret to the only good person in his life?

     Dark stared at him for a while then pulled the switch blade away and gave Anti a kiss, even Anti's lips were quivering, but Anti managed to kiss him back anyways. Dark started to get more into it, throwing the blade on the ground and running his fingers through Anti's brown and green hair. Of all the times Dark could've done this he chose now. For the first time Anti had to place his hands on Darks chest and gently push him away. "A-After I'm done using the bathroom o-okay?" Anti had never acted this way before, to be honest it was scaring Dark. "Oh...yeah, yeah, I understand." Dark gave Anti one last peck then stood up picking up the blade as well. He opened the door and looked at Anti sadly, he didn't know what to think of him anymore. Maybe he needed to get brain washed again. Dark sighed "um..b-be safe heh" Dark said uncomfortably then walked out closing the door.

     Anti instantly locked the door and sat back down on the toilet and pulled out his phone. "H-hey! Why'd you lock the door? You aren't trying to get away from me are you? Have I been too possessive lately?" Dark pressed himself against the door and spoke fast and worriedly. Anti felt miserable, he just wanted to come out of the small room and give him the biggest hug. Shower him in kisses and cry into his shoulder, but he's come too far for that, plus. He needed to know what that news reporter said about him. "Come on baby, it'll only be a few minutes, you're a big boy you can handle that long~" Anti used his teasing voice then immediately pulled the ear phones out and plugged them into his phone. YouTube, YouTube, YouTube, has to be on YouTube, just a small report, it doesn't have to be much. Anti went to the app and typed in "Antisepiceye missing news report" then hit search.

     "Heh, I might be a big boy but not big enough to be on my own." Dark whined "Come on baby hurry up already, this is the longest I had to go without seeing you" Just as Anti predicted there was a 4 to 5 minute video as the top result to his surprise was that there were hundreds of videos of him, some up to thirty minutes long. Some weren't even by news channel some were by just regular ol YouTube channels. Christ they know all of this is a joke right? Anti thought. Anti was even more curious now, smiling with excitement, let's see what they have to say. Anti made sure his ear phones were plugged in properly, put the buds in his ear and tapped the video.

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