Chapter 6.5: Bath time

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Smut chapter

     After Anti had finished his sandwich and taken some gulps of the water bottle. He thought it'd be a good idea to do actually bath things. "Baby? Could you wash me?" Anti asked, unaware of Anti was that Dark already had a green fluffy bath pouf with soap already in it. "Oh, that wasnt something we both already agreed on?" Dark asked making Anti laugh. Dark laughed as well as he started to scrub Anti down but once he got to his chest he got a bit sexual. He started to rub the pouf over one of his pecs while his free hand was rubbing the other. Anti blushed but quickly got into it as he scooted closer to Dark. Dark noticed Antis reaction and put the pouf down. He gently nibbled on Anti's neck as he pinched one of his nipples while his other hand was rubbing the other. Anti closed his eyes and let Dark do his thing.

     Since they were both naked it was much more easier to do dirty things. "Dammit Dark, why'd you have to break my legs? We could be making out right now." Anti whined "I knew there was gonna be regrets, I'm sorry baby" Dark kissed his neck when suddenly he bit down on Anti's sensitive skin earning a loud moan from Anti. "Darky~ hah~" Anti panted then grabbed Darks hand and placed it down to his crotch, Dark got the message and immediately started to stroke Anti's member. Anti bit his lip wrapping his arm around Darks neck. Anti thought it wasn't fair that only he was getting pleasure so he started to grind against Darks cock which was already hard. Dark wrapped one of his arms around his waist tightly pulling him even closer. Anti started to move in sync with Darks hand, grinding forward when he stroked up then backwards when he stroked down. "Are ya gonna let me put it in you now or are you gonna keep being a little tease?" Dark whispered into Antis ear sending shivers down his spine. "I was waiting for you to do it, but if that's too much of a big boy task it's fine~" Anti stuck his tongue out and winked back at him, being his playful self. Dark instantly put his hand on Anti's throat. "You're such a naughty little boy" he threatened seductively. "I bet you just let those boys walk all over you then? It's not like you could ever-" Before Anti could finish two fingers were shoved in his mouth and a cock penetrated into his entrance. Anti moan loudly as tears welled up in his eyes. "Suck on my fingers whore." Dark commanded "oh fuuuck yes~" Anti grabbed Dark hand and covered his fingers in saliva sucking on them like the good boy he was. "Good boy, looks like this boy won't be walking over me huh?" Dark started to thrust up into Anti, "yes yes yes yes yes!~" Anti felt so full, Darks cock was so huge inside him and filled up every space, tears rolled down his cheeks as he started to droll. They haven't had sex like this in a long time.

     All the while Dark was still giving Anti his handjob he rightfully deserved. Darks thrusting started off slow at first to have Anti get adjust to it but then it quickly became more passionate. "Oh fuck Darky!~ Harder Daddy Darky please!!~ I'll be a good boy~ I promise!~" Just as Anti said that Dark went twice as harder and faster by request. Anti was tightening and relaxing around him every second. "Daddy!~ Daddy, I-Im getting close~" Anti managed to whimpered as the water swayed back in forth. "No you're not, you're gonna hold that in until your daddy says so." He demanded in a soft tone. "B-b-but I've never been good at-" "No buts, other then yours getting fucked." Anti whimpered by his instructions but he'd be lying if he said it wasn't hot. Dark continued to slam into him "Darky please!" Anti moaned out holding onto Dark so tightly, wishing he could actually be making out with him. "No." Dark started to bite on Anti's neck some more and after one final beg from Anti Dark whispered in his ear. "Now." Anti instantly released his juices, cumming into the water. Dark held Anti down slamming into him one more time before cumming inside him. Anti couldn't be happier with a permanent smile on his face as he rested against Darks chest. Anti panted as so did Dark. He ran his fingers through Anti's sweaty hair and kissed his head. "You did such a wonderful job my sweet little gumdrop. The way you grinded and called out my name" Dark sighed lovingly "absolutely stunning~"

     Dark gently pulled out and rubbed Antis sides as tears rolled down Anti's cheeks. He just felt so content and happy, he couldn't even be bothered to think of the news report at a time like this. Soon his crying could be heard, Dark leaned over to see him. "Are you crying? I didn't mean to go that hard. It wasn't something I said was it? I could be more gentle next ti-" Dark was cut off by a kiss in which he gladly returned. "I'm just really happy" Anti smiled "You're really good in be...tub" Anti laughed softly as Dark laughed along with him. "You're not too bad yourself darling..nah you're definitely better then me" Anti gasped playfully in shock as he gently nudged Dark and crossed his arms. "As if." Dark laughed at this then grabbed the green bath pouf and continued the bath.

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