Annoying | Stephen Strange x Reader

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Requested by & written for Melonhead15


The New York Sanctum was silent as you walked through it, searching for Stephen. You never could tell where he was having his afternoon coffee. He was always sitting in an armchair that was never in the same place as it was the day before, a heavy book in hand (depending on what he was studying that day) and a pot of coffee brewed and ready to be poured in one of the white coffee cups that you kept tucked away here just for him.

You finally found him seated by one of the large wooden shelves that were stacked to the ceiling with ancient books. You grabbed a cup and poured some coffee for yourself.

"Did you meditate already?" he asked. 

"Yes," you said, sighing.

"I know you don't like it, but I really think that it'll help you learn to balance your thoughts. Might make it a little easier to conjure up spells." He licked the tip of his pointer finger and flipped the page. A small crease was formed between his eyebrows.

"Yeah, I doubt that," you said, raising your eyebrows really quick.

"You'll see," he said.

You snorted. "Maybe."

He sighed and snapped his book shut. "Why don't you just believe me when I tell you these things? Don't you think I know?"

"Don't you think I know?" you asked. "I know what's best for me, Stephen."

"Not when it comes to this," he said.

You put your coffee down and sighed. He was so annoying. And you loved Stephen. He was your closest friend and you were grateful to get to protect the New York sanctum with him, but he was so impossibly rude to you sometimes, and was so full of himself that it just made you incredibly angry. He was so annoying.

"You okay?" he asked, almost like he knew what he was doing and just wanted to see you get mad.

"I'm fine," you lied through your teeth. You got up off the chair you'd sat on and went to leave.

As you turned away from Stephen, you heard a sound that made your limbs freeze up and your panic rise. You looked at Stephen and he was already up, his cloak latching itself around his neck. He took one look at you and you walked alongside him towards the door that opened up to the outside world.

"Is someone breaking in?" you asked quietly.

"Sure sounds like it's something like that," he muttered. 

When you got to the door, you noticed how it was knocked off its hinges.

"What in the-"

Suddenly someone was soaring through the air, swinging a heavy axe looking thing. Stephen dodged the swing but was still flown backwards as the heavy body of the man knocked into him. 

"Stephen!" you shouted. 

The man got up faster than Stephen, and he began to charge towards you - fast.

You backed up, mind racing, and you started to wonder what you needed to do, what spell would work. In the panic, you wondered what spells you even knew, because suddenly you could only remember things they said on the Harry Potter movies-

"___!" Stephen shouted, getting up. He jumped and his cloak fluttered behind him, giving him the ability to fly upward and hover.

Meanwhile, you cowered behind your hands as the weapon came down on you-

And then you didn't even have to think.

Suddenly there was a long rope of shining gold and orange light. You looked at it, then swung it. It wrapped around the weapon the guy was holding and, with all of your strength, you pulled it away from him. It slid across the floor in a clatter, and Stephen was behind him, grabbing him roughly and tossing him away from you.

Stephen stood in front of you. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," you said, out of breath but happy. You were running off of pure adrenaline. "Did you see what I did? Did you see that?"

"Yeah, you almost died!" he exclaimed.

"No! I didn't. I mean - I did. But it was awesome! I didn't even need to think about what I was doing, I just did it!" 

"Well, I am so happy you're thrilled," he said sarcastically, "but are you aware that you were an inch away from dying? That was too close!"

"Stephen, I think we need to argue about this later, and deal with the guy that broke into our Sanctum instead," you said. You walked over to the guy that was off the ground and preparing to charge again. You conjured up two gold whips again and swung them, using them to tie his arms behind him. You kicked his back, forcing him on his knees. "You want to deal with this?"

Stephen sighed, but came forward and grabbed the guy by his shoulders, forcing him on his feet. "I really wish you would listen to me," he said. 

You smiled, ready to say something witty to get him back-

And he leaned down and planted his lips right on yours instead, kissing you with a soft but passionate touch. You were shocked but melted into it right away, closing your eyes and suppressing a smile.

He pulled away and smiled at you. "I don't want to to hear it."

"What?" you teased. "I wasn't going to say anything."

"You're gonna make fun of me," he said. "You're going to make a comment, I just know it-"

"I'm not! I'm not." As he took the guy away, you shouted after him with, "I'm in love you too, by the way!"

"I never said I was in love with you..." he said.

"You didn't have to," you said, still teasing (but not really because you did love him, probably too much).

Before he left the room, he looked at you. "Good, I'm glad my point came across."

Although that sentence left you dazed and made your heart beat incredibly fast, you didn't let him know it got to you. Because although Stephen was the first guy you'd ever seriously been in love with, he was still the same guy that griped about you not wanting to meditate (which was a waste of time), and acted more like a teacher than a friend.

But you loved him, anyway. You seriously did.

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