Chapter 14

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Alchemy: Tiny Steps


D/C: I own nothing.


"English and Edward's accented voice."

"Amestrian, Xingese, foreign languages, or to add emphasize."

Written notes or to add extra emphasize



Mr. Elric: Edward Elric

Professor Elric: Alphonse Elric





"Too slow."

"Not enough strength."

"To much power."

"Almost there."

Susan Bones panted heavily as she faced off against the indomitable Major General Olivier Armstrong, sword in hand. Five minutes haven't even passed, she already is out of breath and any moment the young girl looks like she is about to keel over. This is the most fun she had in the longest time. None of her previous teachers had ever gone against her in such a manner and gave her helpful criticism.

Here's to hoping Susan can still feel her arms by the end of the practice.

Sitting in the corner of the training room is Susan's aunt and guardian, Madam Amelia Bones. She quietly poured herself a cup of tea, non-magically. Something about not wanting to dilute her tea with magic. She also poured another cup of hot tea for Major Miles, who is sitting on the other side of the small table that sat in between them. They were invited to watch the practice and it amuses them both for different reasons. Bones for reminiscing on how much Susan reminds her so much of her late brother, even down to her footwork. For Miles, the only time the Major General had ever been around children is her own and that's all. It's a refreshing sight.

With one last, clank, Armstrong easily pushed young Susan down to the ground before she put away her sword. She looked down at the young girl with a stern expression, Susan looked heavily bruised, breathing harshly and one of the biggest smiles she'd seen. "Again!"


"So much...fear. So much... chaos." Edward chanted out into the empty room, his eyes blank and body nearly lifeless. Sitting at the other side of the room is Roy, who is just as traumatized, mumbling to himself quietly. It's only been three days since the last meeting with the Ministry Officials, and many of them are still healing from their wounds. It was agreed that all meetings will be postponed until the last week of August or until the official nomination of Minister is announced.

"I am rethinking if my plans of leading Amestris." Roy stated in a blank voice, he twisted his head just enough to looked over at Edward.

Edward snorted, his previous trance all gone. He now causally sat in the chair and faced Roy with a placid expression. "Now, now. Don't quit while you are already ahead, Mustang. The Major General took care of majority of the work. We just have to finish it..."

"Here's to hoping she doesn't kill us before we can finish whatever we are doing in the first place." Roy deadpanned.

Edward paused for a moment and promptly shivered out of fright. Oh yes... everything will be for not if he gets killed. "At least she took out our main opponent and caused this place to rethink their opinion about us."

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