Jermiara pov
After walking around the harbor, it was like 5:00 so we decided it was time to leave so that's what we did
While driving back I called Ellis but I got no answer so I text him and ask him what he was doing but I never got a text back. Once I droped sharade off I called my other bff amia to see what she was doing, after 3rings amiable answered with a annoyed tone
Amia- Helloooo
Me- wassup trick
Amia- nuffin fussing with bray
Me- why what you do this time lol
Me- o so why yall fussing rere
Amia-long story
Me- mmmh o OK but wyd today
Amia-probably nuffin, what you trying do
Me-I wanna go out to the dox
Amia-o OK let me get dress
Jermiara pov
once I got home I called my other bff amia to see if she wanted to go out and she said yeh so that was the move. Then I called shardae to see if she was tired or did she want to go out with us cause you know I like to be deep incase a b**** try play dumb dumb. She said yeh then ask if I wanted her to call kiera( my homegirl), I told her yeh and that's what she did. I then text my bff Takeira and ask her did she want to go.
Takeira- where we going
Me- to the dox
Takeira ord who all going
Me- look no Time for questions, do ya a** wanna go
Takeira- lls I guess
so after I got the conformation that she was going I began to pick out my outfit until I thought about my cousin Jasmine, jasmine really didn't go out as much but I said well why not ask her this time so that's what I did.
Me- Jas boo
jas- wassup boo
Me- wanna go out tonight with me and the crew if your not doing nothing
jas- I sureee do wanna get out this house devin and rell ( her brothers) are getting on my last nerves, so I'll go
Me- ok well get dress see you inna few
Jas pov
I was laying down trying to find something to do until jermiara (my cuzin) called me, she ask me was I trying to go with her and her friends so I figured why not,and began to find me something to put on, I looked in my closet and found my short fitted black sleeveless dress and decided to put on my gold sparkle 6in heels on. I then got in the shower srubbed my body then got out. I lotioned up with my cherry blossom lotion that I bought from bath and body works,I started putting on my clothes until I got disrupted when jermiara had called me and ask if i was ready because she was on her way, I said yes and then we hunged up.

Live, Laugh, and Love Life
Teen FictionThese teen kids trying make it out the Hood by living this thing called life. With all their stuggles, they still manage to maintain them selves as young men & women