Jermiara pov
I guess takeira had saw our post and wanted to find out what happen cause she told me to call her so that's what I did. After I got of the phone with her I text my home girls zori and deaijah, zori text back right away
me- wyd
zori-nuffin Chilling
me-ord wyd today
zori-nuffin probably
me-wanna go time the movies later today to go see think like a man too
I was dying to go see that movie, one of my homeboys was supposed to take me but I heard no more about it. So I figured to ask zori and deaijah did they want to go.
me-ok be ready at 7 so we can catch the 7:45 one
we hunged up, I was rey call kiya and ask her did she wanna go since she was coming out here already but I got interrupted by deaijah when she had texted me back finally
deaijah-wassup boo
deaijah-nuffin getting ready to go see nazi (her boyfriend)
me-o damn I was rey ask u did u want to go see think like a man 2 with me and zori
deaijah-ughh I wanted to go see that too, but uknoo u can only visit them on Sundays
Me-tru well if u be out by 7 tmp
Then I began to call kiya but her phone went straight to voicemail so I text her to ask her did she want to go to the movies.when my mother came home I ask if I could hold her keys to the white Benz. She just starred at me.Times like this when she act all stuck up, I wished I had my own car but don't worry my time was coming, ma please I said
mom-u got gas money to put in my car
me-Sure I do
mom-well I'm about to go the market and plus I gotta pick mondre and maine(my bothers), from toya (my aunt) house.
me-ok well u will be back before 7 right
Then she left out leaving me in the kitchen. so I warmed up a Ham and cheese hotpocket in the microwave. Once it was done I broke it apart, it looked hot but didn't seem that I put a piece in my mouth but before I could completely chew it up, I spit it right back out, ouchh s*** I said cause it had burned my tough. I completely let it cool off before I took another bite.Once I was done my mom was about to leave out so I decided to go with my mother to the market to keep me occupied until tonight.We left out hopped in the car and off to Walmart we were.
moms pov
As soon as I got in the house, jermiara (my daughter) ranned up to me asking for my car. so I just gave her an irritated look because she act like I don't have a life and got things to do. so she ask me again and I told her maybe.Then after getting situated and changed my clothes me and her got back in the car to go to Walmart

Live, Laugh, and Love Life
Teen FictionThese teen kids trying make it out the Hood by living this thing called life. With all their stuggles, they still manage to maintain them selves as young men & women