82. Home Sweet Home?

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Louis and I are both sitting on the couch waiting for the text that Katie's plane landed. Both of us are anxious. He turns to me.

"I've been keeping something from you." He says. And really at this point, I'm not surprised but I arch my eyebrow waiting for him to continue when he doesn't and he looks away shocked that he spoke I shake my head.

"Is it the reasons you've been acting like an asshole?" He nods stiffly. "Alright. Out with it" I say. He takes a deep breath.

"Sam's been texting me." I can literally feel all the blood drain from my face. He opens his phone clicks on something and then hands me his phone.

'You'll never save her' Is the last one from this morning. Right before our flight got pushed back.

'I've got plans for your little friends' this one is time stamped for when the boys landed.

'How's it feel to know she's never loved you the way she loves him' this one is sent with a picture of us saying goodbye to them at the airport. And Louis is watching Katie hug Michael. I look up at him and his heads in his hands.

'Be seeing you soon' Fuck that was right before the boys were told about New York.

'I'm coming for what's mine.' That was the day I got sick. During their interview from hell.

'Only I can give her what she needs' I was still in New York on that day.

'We'll see who wins in the end'. I start shaking. This one is time stamped just after my wreck. It's quiet for a long time both our phones ding and it's Katie saying she just landed. My eyes lock on to Louis'.

"I have a really bad feeling about this." He says.

"Fuck. Me too. But everything will be fine. She's getting there at an odd hour he won't know she's there till she's with everyone." I say. "I'm gonna go lay down for a minute before we head out." Before I'm out of the living room the doorbell rings. We look at each other, both scared to know what it is. He goes with me to answer it. It's a delivery guy with a wrapped box and a note. Louis signs for it and I take it to the living room. Sitting the box down I read the note.

'I felt really bad when you got sick and for sneaking my jacket out with me. So here's a present to make up for it. C." I laugh as I rip into the box. Inside is a blue fleece hoodie the hood has little round ears on it.

"Gawd you have that poor boy whipped." Louis laughs. I roll my eyes as I slide on my hoodie. I send him a snap of me wearing it. Captioning it 'I hope you realize I'm still taking my jacket back BUT! I love it.' when he doesn't respond immediately I tell Louis again I'm gonna try to nap for a bit. I'm woken up by Louis frantically shaking me.

"They can't find Katie or Kyle."

I gasp out but can't catch my breath.

"WHAT!" I yell. And by the looks of him, we both know the worst is happening. "Oh, gawd Louis. No, we are so far away gawd why didn't we just go with me sick DAMMIT." I cover my face in my hands sobbing. This is it. Our worst fear confirmed. Once the tears subside I'm on autopilot as we gather our already packed bags and head to the airport. The paparazzi are relentless and someone asks what happened to Katie. And I snap out of autopilot and lunge at the guy. Louis and Landon are fighting to pull me back. Somehow I get out just before I'm shoved toward the opposite direction. "ITS ALL YOUR FAULT." They all take a step back from me and the angry Louis holding me. I hear him talking loud enough for them to hear.

"C'mon love Calum's waiting for you. Can't have you murdering the paps." He adds once we are away from them. "That was probably really stupid of you love, but their faces made it worth it." He doesn't even smile. We still haven't heard from Kyle and no one can find either of them. Autopilot kicks in after we drop our luggage off and head to our plane.

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