Dan Was There

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'Ahhh why does the temptation have to be so..well tempting!' I sneak little looks over at him caught his eye a few times. I could tell he was nervous and I'd lie if I said I wasn't.

I hope Jake or one of his buddies have gotten to him. I catch his eye and smile. 

'Say something! Please talk to me!'

"So looks like we do have a class together after all." He finally said and with that I let out a breathe I didn't even know I was holding.

"Looks like it. Can I see your schedule?"

"I uh actually got a extra copy of my schedule made for you." He said pulling out a paper from his binder. "You said you had art right now and I knew you would want my schedule so I made one for you." He finished. 

I smile so widely taking the paper out of his hand and smiled at it. We had the first period of the day together and the last. I get to see him twice a day everyday not to mention lunch but I don't know if Jake will allow it. I fold up the paper and put it in my back pocket.

"Well...Are you gonna tell me what periods we have together?"


"Why not?"

"Because its a surprise."

"I don't like surprises. Especially when its making me wonder when I get to see a beautiful girl all day." he said with a big smirk on his face staring at me. But you can tell he was sincere and this made me blush.

"You know your adorable when you blush." When he said this 3 different students heads snapped up and looked at him with shock written all over their faces.

You can tell exactly what they were thinking,'Does he have a death wish?' or perhaps 'Once Jake hears about this your head is going to be on a pike.'

I bit my lip under all the glaces making me look down in embarrassment a little I hate when attention is on me I hate it when I can feel them staring. Literally. It feels like lasers burning through my skull.

 I put my head down and his hand flies up and rests on my back rubbing it and he says in a sweet tone,"Are you okay? Did I say something wrong? I'm sorry please forgive me."

"Its not you. Its just other people are staring and I hate having attention directed towards me."

He turned his head then I didn't have to see this to know I just knew already that he did because I heard him mumble something under his breath along the lines of "Stupid pricks." This made me smile and my head finally came up he smiled at me and moved the hair out of my face and once again took a deep breathe to say something but the damn bell rung before he could say it and I almost had a screaming, kicking fit but I just sighed and packed my bag. 

When I was finished he picked up my bag and my books and walked me to my locker. I stood there with him making short conversation while putting my books away and getting the ones for my next class.

As my head was in the locker it grew quiet I looked down to where his feet should be and they weren't there. I closed my locker and looked up. 

'Great hes with Cassia.' I crossed my arms and leaned back on my locker but then stood up straight and fixed my shirt clearing my throat and made my way over to where Dan and Cassia were standing chatting. 

Its not until I was a few feet away that Cassia caught my eye and pulled Dan in and kissed him i gasped and before I could stick around to see if he kissed her back I turned around and ran into a bathroom. I locked myself into a bathroom stall and started shaking I could tell I was about to have a panic attack so I dialed Jake's number.

"Yes babe?"

"B-bathroom. Panic a-a-attack. P-please."

"I'm on my way."

I sat there for a few minutes biting my lip bouncing my leg and scratching my hand before I heard him burst into the girls' bathroom calling my name. I unlocked the door and opened it. 

Only then did I see Dan was standing next to him looking more worried that Jake. I cleared my throat. "Dan can um I have a moment please?" He nodded hesitantly and walked out.

I looked up at Jake and remembered how someone that I only met this morning looked more worried than my 3 year boyfriend. I took a deep breathe and gathered my courage.

"Jake, We need to talk."

"Of course anything we can talk about anything you want." He said getting on his knees in front of me.

"Its about us. I think we...should take a break."

He looked up at me and his eyes watered and he clenched his jaw. His face turned red and so did his eyes. "Why?" The words came out angry from his mouth. No, not angry furious. "I've been losing feelings for you. Over the past few months."

He gaped at this and I saw a tear fall he clenched his fists and walked fast out of the bathroom with me following close behind to stop him from doing anything stupid. 

He rushed up to Katherine and I stopped a few feet behind them and wondered why he would possibly be going up to her and he grabbed both her cheeks and pulled her up into a deep rough passionate kiss.

My knees went weak when I saw that she was kissing him back and I started to fall to the ground but Dan caught me. 

'This. This is why I haven't seen her in months. Her and Jake...Behind my back.

Its funny how you begin to lose feelings for someone but once they hurt you its like whatever feelings you had left for this person shatters and disappears within seconds and those feelings are just replaced with pain and hate. 

I sat on the floor in Dan's arms and didn't even realize I was crying till now so I turned and cried into his chest. I looked up so I could look Katherine in her eyes and show her how much pain she caused but she was gone. They were gone. I looked around and everyone was gone and it was getting kinda dark. Dan was there...Dan was the only one there. 

Have I really cried so bad that I lost track of time? I looked at Dan and he wiped my tears. Why did he stay with me when he should be at lunch eating food or making friends?

He stood up and picked me up bridal style and walked out of the school putting me in his car leaving the door open as he went to the trunk to get god knows what. 

When he came back he put a grey plush blanket over me and kissed my forehead. Only then did he jog around to the other side of the car and get into the drivers seat. I had cried so much that I wore myself out and I fell asleep right there in the passengers seat curled up like a ball.


Crazy huh?
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