chapter six

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It had been a few days since David had met Sophia, but he was finally gonna sit down and watch the Drake and Josh DVD set she had got him. He had invited Josh over for the bit he had in mind, which Josh thought was unfunny. They sat on the couch and turned it on. The first episode began playing, and David and Josh immediately burst out laughing when they realized that Sophia had pranked him. David ran and grabbed his camera, beginning to film everything like he usually did.

"So I invited Josh over for a stupid bit that I now realize is really bad," David started, Josh covering his face as he cackled.

"We were watching the Drake and Josh DVD that Soph got me when we realized it's in Spanish. This girl bought a version in English and Spanish and switched the boxes just to fuck with me."

The two of them couldn't stop laughing, and David was particularly impressed that she had gone through all the trouble to prank him. David took pride in being a hard person to prank, and he definitely wasn't expecting that from her. The odds that he would even watch the DVD at all were slim, but she took the chance and it paid off.

"So, I'm definitely gonna prank her back."


Sophia groaned as she opened her front door, flopping down on the couch.

"Yoyi!" She yelled, her dogs nickname bouncing off the walls. She raised an eyebrow when he didn't come running down the stairs like he normally did.

She called out a string of little nicknames and kissy noises, becoming instantly worried when she didn't hear a sound in response.

She ran up the stairs, arms crossed as she saw his crate open by the stairs. She opened her door and screamed, slamming it closed immediately and taking off down the stairs. A 12 foot python was coiled on the top of her bed. Her biggest fear in the universe was snakes. It was a childhood phobia of hers that she never got over. She had gotten bit by a snake in her backyard when she was a baby in Venezuela and had almost died.

"W-Wait!" David yelled from the top of the stairs, laughing loudly.

He had no clue that she was that afraid of them. She didn't even bother turning back. She ran down the stairs and out of her building, knowing David wouldn't be far behind. She ran across the street and into a Starbucks. She needed to be in a public place, somewhere she wouldn't break down publicly. She knew that this phobia was irrational, but she was so genuinely frightened that she didn't want to go anywhere near her apartment for at least the night. David walked through the front door, a worried look on his face and no camera in sight. He immediately walked up to her table, sighing as she wouldn't meet his gaze.

"Soph, I'm sorry. It was just a stupid prank. I didn't think you'd get like that."

She felt her blood boil when he said that, but she reminded herself that she was in public and she restrained herself.

"Exactly, you didn't fucking think. Get that thing out of my fucking house David, and you're washing my bed sheets too."

"Fine, whatever you want."

"Where the fuck is my dog?"

"I put him in Marcia's room. I didn't want him to get near the snake." David admitted, scratching the back of his neck.

"But putting it on my fucking bed is okay?" Sophia challenged, balling her fists in anger.

"Sophie, I'm really sorry. I just thought we were becoming good friends."

"No David, you thought that this would get more people to watch your vlog." She snapped, looking back down at her lap.

"Fine, I'll fix up your place and get out of your life. I'm sorry." He sighed, pushing off of the table and walking out.

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