chapter thirty

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The day had finally come. It was Christmas, and everyone was coming over to David's house for lunch. It was bright and early, and David's siblings were already screaming and knocking on the walls. His little brother still believed in Santa so he was really excited. Sophia covered her face with her hands and moaned sleepily, rolling onto David's chest. He wrapped his arms around her frame, kissing the top of her head.

"Morning, baby." He mumbled groggily, smacking her ass playfully.

"Merry Christmas."

David grumbled a response, hiding his face in her shoulder and closing his eyes.

"Babe, is it okay if I give you your presents now?"

"Yeah of course. I was gonna ask the same thing." He nodded, sitting up as she slid onto the floor. She pulled three small gift bags from under the bed.

"Three?" He asked, smiling widely as she handed him the first bag.

He pulled the tissue paper out of the bag, picking up the black coffee cup keychain and taking it in his hand.

"What's this?"

"It's a coffee cup. Do you remember when you came over to film with Marcie for that bit?"

"The one that I tricked Dom into thinking your place was his new apartment?"

"Yeah, and you brought me that coffee. It was my exact same order that you saw me make literally like three weeks before that. And you remembered."

"I was so worried I had gotten it wrong." David admitted, shaking his head and chuckling.

"But you didn't. It was perfect. That's when I knew I was falling in love with you."

"That was the moment?"

"Yeah, I knew immediately. You paid so much attention to the little things. It was so sweet."

"Do you know the moment I fell for you?"

"When I took your hard drive?" Sophia guessed, raising an eyebrow quizzically.

"Way before. That first night I slept over I knew I had fallen for you. I was just really scared that I was feeling that way about someone again, but I knew." David shook his head, smiling down at his lap shyly.

"When I woke up and I saw you making breakfast in your dorky ass pajamas and your dog woke me up, I remember thinking I wanted to wake up like that every day."

Sophia bit her lip as he spoke, blushing intently at his words. She grabbed the two small bags and climbed up onto the bed next to him, pecking his lips lightly.

"I love you."

"I love you too, and I really love the keychain. Seriously, it's very romantic. I'm surprised." He smirked, making her roll her eyes.

They had an ongoing joke that he was the more romantic of the two of them. David was always really sweet and she struggled to keep up with him. She handed him the second bag, which had the Love ring in it. He raised an eyebrow when he saw the red Cartier box. He delicately opened the box and smiled widely when he saw the ring she had gotten him. It was the exact same metal as the one he had chosen for her necklace. He wasn't expecting for her to get him something from the same line of jewelry, but he found it really cute and he couldn't contain his smile. David had debated vlogging giving her the necklace, but he had decided to just keep the moment between them.

"Babe, this is insane. You really didn't have to."

"I wanted to. Plus, your hands look sexy when you have rings on." She giggled, pecking his lip lightly.

"Okay, let me give you your gift." David said excitedly, reaching around her and pulling it out of the nightstand.

"Close your eyes."

She followed his instructions, hearing him unwrap the gift quickly. She thought she heard a jewelry box open, and her suspicions were confirmed when she felt a chain land around her neck. David clasped it carefully before fixing her hair and placing it correctly.


Sophia looked down and gasped when she saw the Love necklace sparkling in the light.

"Did you know about the ring?"

"No! I honestly had no clue."

"Holy fuck, we're so cute." She laughed, hugging him tightly.

"I love it, baby. Thank you."

"Why'd you get three things? Now I feel bad." David laughed, hugging her back.

"Don't feel bad. You can make it up to me when your family isn't downstairs." Sophia smirked, David humming appreciatively and pressing his lips against hers.

"Before I give this to you, promise that you won't yell at me. I wanted to buy this for you."

"I never yell at you."

"You know what I mean, David." She raised an eyebrow, handing him the bag hesitantly. He frowned when he saw the Cartier box, shaking his head.

"Sophia, how much did you spend on me?"

"Don't start. Open it."

David sighed, taking the little box and opening it. He yelled excitedly, laughing loudly at the panther ring that was growling back at him. It was the ultimate douchebag ring and he hadn't had the guts to spend that much on it.

"Holy shit. That's so great. Babe, this is way too much money. That's like ten grand. Are you crazy? This is so fucking funny." He babbled rapidly, reaching for his phone and instantly taking a video of it.

"Hey guys! Since I wasn't already the biggest douchebag idiot on Youtube, my girlfriend just got me this."

Sophia shook her head, giggling as she watched him. She knew that he was excited, which was all that mattered to her. David posted the video to his Instagram story before looking up at her.

"This is too much."

"I don't care."

"I love you."

"I know." Sophia smiled, bumping her nose against his before pecking his lips softly.

"We're collabing and getting you a brand deal to pay for this fucking ring." David laughed, pressing quick kisses around her face and making her giggle.


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