Chapter Thirty(v2)

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Chapter Thirty

The Koi Pond

            Abby sat upon a pile of crumbling rocks in the corner, watching Cedric with an active interest. Cedric approached her, sweat on his brow and a smile on his face.

            “You’re getting better.” She commented brightly.

            “Gabriel still beat me.” Cedric sighed. The man had a swiftness that defied his years. Cedric could barely see him, yet along fight him. “What do you want to do?” Lately Abby had been randomly appearing after Cedric’s lessons, intent on showing him some wonder or another. Or sometimes they just sat somewhere to discuss the country’s state and where it would lead. Today Abby had a special gleam to her eye with a trace of deviousness.

            “I want to show you the koi pond.” Abby explained excitedly.

            “It’s not…near the castle is it?” Cedric never approached the castle anymore, or anywhere near the inner circle. Abby knew this but didn’t bother to ask him why. Perhaps she thought that almost getting caught last time when he was near the castle had spooked him.

            “No. It’s in the Sanctuary. One of the empty tunnels.”

            Cedric raised a skeptic eyebrow, but Abby grinned with glee. “Where is it?” he asked.

            Abby pointed, and apparently took the question as an invitation to start walking that way. Cedric followed her through the labyrinth of tunnels. Abby peeked at Cedric behind her, quickened her pace and stepped around a quick corner. Cedric gained speed as to not lose her. When he turned the corner after her Cedric could see that Abby had broken into a run.

            “Hey!” Cedric exclaimed, and followed her into a racing pace.

            Abby looked behind her, flashed a mischievous grin, and returned to her run. Cedric grinded his teeth in annoyance. What if he lost track of what turns she took? He’d never find his way back. Cedric stopped abruptly and put a hand to the wall. In front of Abby a portion of the ground raised a bit, which Abby in her sprint was too rushed to see. Her foot caught on the rock, and she tumbled to the ground. Abby looked at the raised section, and her eyes shot to Cedric in a glower.

            “You cheated!” he huffed accusingly. She sat on the ground with a frown and her eyebrows twisted indignantly.

            Cedric approached her at an easy speed and offered a hand to her.

            “That hurt you know.” Abby whined, still irritated.

            Cedric smiled in a silent reply.

            “I couldn’t have broken my leg.” She was now obviously probing for an apology.

            “I’m sorry.” Cedric relented, a hand still in front of him.

            Abby sniffed, smiled once to betray her act, and righted herself without Cedric’s assistance. “Come on.” She instructed him.

            “Where are you taking me?” Cedric questioned.

            “You’ll find out soon enough.”

            Cedric kicked a pebble at his feet, wondering where Abby was taking him. Abby relished dragging Cedric on a tour of her favorite places. Not that this bothered Cedric-quite the contrary. Abby just loved keeping Cedric in suspense though, and that was the problem. Cedric disliked not knowing what he was walking into.

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