Versus Zeta Bandit! The True Fight on Planet Bean!

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Last time, on Majin of the Sixth...

Lem showcased his incredible power towards the Saiyans, immediately destroying the entirety of Crimson Dawn. But for Bramble, a date far worse found him.

Turned into sweets, it was clear to the Saiyan, Caulifla, that he was beyond human.

However, before any solid answers could be made, the Big Zeta Star had appeared to move, a past foe from Lem's own adventures, one quite unfamiliar and lost to his memories.

The fight continues, Now!

(Intro Music)
"Huh. Guess this sucks," I looked at the mass of the Big Zeta Star create copious amounts of clones to fight. How annoying, and I didn't even remember him...Frost Planet 219? No one goes to Frost Planet 219, not since...oh. I remember.

See, before I got employed, or well kidnapped by Crimson Dawn, I was simply wandering the cosmos. Found a pub, with a bouncer that was really rude. I ended up kicking his ass, taking his money, and buying a drink with soba noodles.

The cops showed up, and...well, let's just say I had plenty of dessert for the next few months. Luckily the Planet was already a barren wasteland, so no children were there...but I think the legend of the 'Cannibal' kept people away.

Hm...the bouncer? I think it's that guy, with how sour he seems towards me. Hey, the colony was doomed to fail anyway. No infrastructure, no industry, and wooden houses. Sounded like a place the Space Pope would love to be in.

"Well, he seems to know you," Caulifla grunted, punching a clone through the face. "Eh, might as well take a challenge,"

"S-s-sis?!" Kale looked at her, mildly terrified.

" know he is after me, right?" I questioned her, as she simply waved without giving me eye contact.

"And you do know a real Saiyan doesn't run, right?" Fair Enough...dumbass.

But I guess having two bullet monkeys...erm...sorry, meat-shields to keep those clones occupied, as I entered the Zeta-Star.

Busting through the Hull was the easy part. The hardest part was the guards swarming the tight hallway, each one ganging up on me. Thankfully, the Zeta-Star isn't as advanced in repairing sub-entities. There was another ship that could work, a 'Serengeti' Star? Maybe?

My ki barreled through them, a rocket, my aura turning them to ashes, as I headed further onward to the main battery. Usually, it had a power source, mostly me. But I bet somebody in Crimson Dawn did something to fuse with the machine.

Behind me, the Saiyans (mainly the girls...or just the hedgehog) were attacking simply out of bloodlust. No real reason, but punching stuff.

They...actually were holding up well. I mean, by my standards they're average; the clones weren't exactly one-shot by them. But they managed. Hell, even Kale was putting a few hits in, even if it was clumsily done, avoiding most of the conflict until it found her.

One such clone attempted to crush her head into the wall, and Kale simply ducked and blasted it's torso, all while closing her eyes in fear.

"Huh...?" She opened them to see her enemy somehow obliterated by her own hands. "I..."

"Great job, Kale! Save some for me though!" Caulifla gave a quick thumbs up, a small smile forming on the ponytailed Saiyan.

"T-Thanks, Sis!" She flushed from the praise as, me being nice, shooting a Trick Beam at another enemy. "Wha?!"

"Behind you...ah, wait. Too late," I chuckled, heading towards a door that had a symbol; upside down triangle, with two wavy lines through the center. The main battery. "Have to ask though...why're you still here? I know you love punching stuff, but...context helps,"

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