Last time on Majin of the Sixth...
Enjoying a moment of peace on the newly revived planet Earth, the trio indulged in their first steps as a polygamous couple. However in the farthest reaches of the universe, a new threat emerges from the very top of the universal totem pole. The Omni-King has made a tournament that would decide the fate of at least eight different universes.
The news is troubling, but the assembly must commence, now!
(Cue Theme)
***"Excuse me, what?" I blinked, as we finished the rundown. Cabba had told us some dire things.
A tournament made by some Omni-Kings, that would have the losers be eliminated via erasure. I knew how it works...Mel had tanked a hit from that metal bastard, only surviving by our fusion. But an entire universe? That's just not fathomable for me.
Yet it was made harder knowing what I have to lose, these two Saiyan woman I formed a sort of polygamy pact with, was among them. I felt so angry at this realization, my hands tightening with how fucked up my luck is.
"Hold on..." I turned around a fired a blast at one of the Moons of Earth. Now it only has the one. "FUUUUUCCCK!!!"
"Whoa!" Caulifla gasped, before looking over me. "Lem, don't worry think about it. It's a tournament with fighting right. We got this. Especially Kale,"
"...There are other teams. And I know your Saiyan ego is not exactly keen on what I want to say, but to entertain it; we are screwed," That made her a little upset, but then Kale spoke up to me.
"Lem. Look...I know that it is bad want me to be more confident right? I can tell..." Kale told me, kneeling to my level. "So please don't lose yours?"
I could only vaguely nod at that. She was more emotionally in touch than the blunt sledge hammer of Caulifla. Don't know why, but it seemed like I needed a gentler voice like Mel before them.
Probably how I simply cleared my throat, and turned back towards Cabba, a serious look on my face.
"We...need ten right?"
"Yeah. You guys can join right?"
"Well duh! I ain't passing up a chance to kick ass from across the multiverse!"
"And I know having a Majin is definitely a boost in our chances...I bet there are other teammates?" Cabba nodded.
"Magetta, Botamo, Hit, me...which makes around seven. We'll need three more..." Hm. I don't know many people in the universe that could possibly help.
Again, this had multiple universes involved, and it needed capable warriors. Who could possibly fit the bill?
Wait. I remembered something....those Namekians!
"I have an idea, but it'd have to be quick. You two girls should get to training immediately; I'll get some additional members,"
"Wait! Can I come?" Kale asked, surprising me.
"Dammit! Now I only have the shrimp to spar with,"
"Am I really That bad-"
"Yes dipshit you are. Just make sure not to be gone too long," Agreeing to the idea, Kale hung onto me. "And don't have too much fun~"
"S-Sis?!" With a blush, I only sighed, using instant transmission amid the subtle laughter of Caulifla.
It'd be a good change of pace.
NamekWe found ourselves in that greenish marble of Namek surrounding us. As bland as I remember it. Kale was actually quite mesmerized by the strangeness of it all. Guess she never went to Namek, huh?
Majin of The Sixth (A DB Super OC Story)
Fanfic*An Alternate Story Starting Around the Goku Black Arc...* There lay twelve universes, each distinctive, yet having twins from the two that add up to '13', those have similarities. And that same instance was discovered from the presence of the God o...