Kale's Resolve? Bonding Opposites!

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Last time on Majin of The Sixth...

With bonds properly handled, Lem sees it to himself to mentor the Saiyan Kale, hoping to finally unleash the true extent of her unique power. Halfway through the fight however, the pendant that called Vados was rediscovered.

A tough choice lay ahead, with Lem finally taking the journey to meet his other half. Majin Melisma, or Mel, an unassuming Majin girl, serving the Destroyer and Angel in their home.

Meanwhile, in the darkest reaches of the cosmos, Phazon, a general of Frost's Empire, looks to combine himself into an ultimate warrior. What he plans next, is unknown.

Despite it, will Lem be able to connect with his 'good' half to face the hidden threat? Find out, now!

(Cue Theme)

"...Yeah..." I could only stare at this creature. How did I become this sad sack just by looking at a pink humanoid?

"Well, enough ogling ya' perv, now! I heard you are strong-" Caulifla was met with five fingers stopping her.

"I don't fight. Champa gets angry if I damage the floral decorations. Something about 'outdoing his brother's hovel', and whatnot," Mel stopped her, as she bowed to them as well. "Although I can understand why. You're a Saiyan, Yes?"

"Damn straight! It's Caulifla by the way," The hedgehog pointed over to Kale. "That's my protégée, Kale."

"W-W-Wait? P-P-Protégée? I uh...um, I am flattered but..." She stumbled, as Mel simply smiled.

"No need to be down on yourself, Miss Kale. Everyone seems to really support you,"

"Y-Yeah...thank you," Kale also had a small grateful smile. Mel then turned back to me, as I flinched slightly.

"I saw a lot. Well from Miss Vados,"

"Really?" I asked, curious to how much she knew about my fights.

"Sometimes I asked her about what you're doing. You were pretty scary honestly..." My face fell at that. "But...recently...you've changed a lot. I guess I can thank these two for giving you motivation beyond simple survival,"

"You watched all of our fights?" I asked again, rather flabbergasted by this revelation. Even the others I brought were surprised.

"All of them?!?" Caulifla shouted, now visibly concerned.

"Mhm. I saw the Commeson fight...he really cared about your well-being,"

"Pfft...well, Duh. Without me, he'd be hopeless, obviously..." Was that a blush I saw, or the Kaioken taking hold? Wait, does she know that? I mean I don't use it because it's stupid and weaker than my Majin boost, but still.

"Caulifla...your face is red..." Kale observed, as she groaned.

"So is yours!"

"I-It's n-n-not b-but...s-sorry," Kale looked down in shame, as I kept my eyes on Mel.

"So...what now?" She closed her eyes at my question.

She was thinking of our next step, considering we just met. A thought appeared in my own head as well, as the idea was still fresh in my head; Earth. I never thought about it too much, but I was curious about how it was now. The rebuilding, the atmosphere being breathable...I never knew how my home planet was meant to be.

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