Just some rambling on my part

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I want to thank everyone who is reading this fanfiction. I wanted to give a little backround information on myself and the story and how I ended up writing this first attempt at this type of thing.
First off, I am a hardcore Yoongi stan. I mean, I am in love with Min Yoongi. No, I am not delusional and I don't think that someday I will end up with him. Especaily since I am older and married with kids, adult kids, of my own. But ever since I began following BTS there was just something about Yoongi. And when First Love came out I fell for him hard. All the pain he lets us see, and hear, and feel in his music. It breaks my heart and then heals it all at the same time. He is truly a beautiful soul inside and out.
And now lets talk about my obsession with Yoonmin. I have always been a strong supporter of the LGBTQ community. Even for the 20 years that I was a devout Christian (I can not call myself that anymore) I supported it. Heck, I am bisexual so how could I not. As I have followed BTS it has been hard not to see the populartiy of the ships within the group. For me it started with TaeKook. Now I know all about skinship and how it is different for men in Korea and they are way more physical as freinds but I couldn't help but notice little things. The looks, the way they touched eachother. To me it just seemed natural. I was like, yeah, those 2 are in love. Isn't it obvious? Maybe y'all don't see it and don't agree with it and that's fine. We all have our own opinions and a right to them. I just choose to beleive there is more to it. Again, because to me it would just be a natural progression, not kinky or weird but normal and natural.
So that said, with me so closely watching my beautiful Yoongi I began noticing how he was with Jimin. How Jimin made him look a certain way, how when he was close to Jimin he just looked complete. And since my daughter is a Jimin stan I started noticing the exact same thing with Jimin. Yes, I know Jimin is that way with literally all of them, but it seems a little more, can I say romantic, with Yoongi. The looks are a little more intamate, a little more telling of what might be behind them. Yes, I know I could be projecting my own feelings onto them and I won't deny that the thought of them being in love makes my heart soar, but I also know that I am certainly not alone in my observations.
So my Yoonmin heart wanted to write some of the scenarios I was coming up with in my head, and being a hopeless romantic all of them had Yoongi and Jimin just head over heals for eachother so that's where I chose to begin. But I also wanted to write something original. I have probably read over 100 Yoonmin A.U.s and let me tell you some of these fanfic writers could be professional writers if they chose to be. I have read some damn good Yoonmin fanfics. But being such a popular ship there is almost nothing that hasn't been written about and since I'm not really a writer I held back...until one morning about a month ago. I put on Answer as I was doing my makeup. I started at the begining and let it play in order. As the final notes of The Truth Untold played I waited eagerly for my favorite song SeeSaw to begin. It didn't, it went strait to Tear. I picked up my phone to go back a song, thinking it might have just been a glitch but the song was just gone. This was also right after Yoongi had to leave from Bon Voyage 3. I had a panic attack and ran out of my bathroom yelling that Yoongi was gone. My husband just rolled his eyes as he often does at my BTS ramblings. My daughter asked me what the problem was and I showed her my phone. "He's gone. He's just gone. Tell me he exists, what if Yoongi doesn't really exist and is just a figmant of my imagination?" Yes, I have a crazy imagination and often wonder if some of what I experience is all in my head. My daughter just picked up her phone and brought up her copy of Answer on Spotify. She proceeded to show me that indeed SeeSaw was there and Yoongi had not disappeared. OMG, I thought outloud, I thought maybe I had woken up in a world where he didn't exist in my life and I just love him so much and my life would be a tragic mess if he was gone from it...and viola, this story was born.
I am a strong believer in the concept of the alternate universe. That all things could possibly exist literally right next to us, we just don't have the ability to bend space to see it, but sometimes the bending happens on it's own, and what would happen if you suddenly slipped through one of the folds and ended up in one of those alternate realities?
So please enjoy my story. Yoongi is about to disappear from Jimin's life, for now anyway. Don't worry though, in my reality Yoongi and Jimin are in love and I intend to keep it that way. Thanks for reading my rambling and now...back to the story.

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